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IATO welcomes new MoHFW guidelines for international arrivals

IATO welcomes new MoHFW guidelines for international arrivals

Rajiv Mehra, President, Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO), thanked the Government for revising MoHFW guidelines and removing clause of 7 days quarantine for all nationals. Besides this relief, list of high risk countries has

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IATO seeks Prime Minister’s help to avert crisis

IATO seeks Prime Minister’s help to avert crisis

IATO, the apex inbound tourism body has written to Prime Minister, seeking his help to overcome unprecedented financial crisis facing the industry since March 2020, which has further been worsened by recent postponement of international

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IATO appeals to Central and State governments to have one nation one travel policy for international travellers

IATO appeals to Central and State governments to have one nation one travel policy for international travellers

IATO urges the government to have a one nation one travel policy for international travellers. It has been noticed that the confusion is being created due to travel guidelines/advisories being issued by various state governments

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Subhash Goyal conferred the ‘Hall of Fame’ award

Subhash Goyal conferred the ‘Hall of Fame’ award

IATO (Indian Association of Tour Operators) which organised its 36th edition of annual convention in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, conferred ‘Hall of Fame’ award to industry veterans Dr. Subhash Goyal, Chairman of STIC Travel Group and Mahender Singh