Indian airlines carried 1.42 crore passengers on domestic routes in November, marking an increase of nearly 12% compared to the same month last year, driven by rising air traffic demand. IndiGo led the market with a 63.6% share, followed by Air India at 24.4%, Akasa Air with 4.7%, and SpiceJet at 3.1%. While all these carriers saw their market shares grow, Alliance Air’s share remained steady at 0.7% in November, according to the latest data from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA).
The DGCA reported that from January to November 2024, domestic airlines carried 1,464.02 lakh passengers, up from 1,382.34 lakh during the same period in 2023, reflecting a growth of 5.91% year-over-year and 11.90% month-over-month. Domestic air traffic reached 142.52 lakh passengers in November, compared to 127.36 lakh in the same month the previous year. In October 2024, the number was 1.36 crore.
However, the On-Time Performance (OTP) of scheduled domestic airlines, measured at major metro airports in Bangalore, Delhi, Hyderabad, and Mumbai, declined in November.