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                                                   TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     OCTOBER, 2024                                                 15

                                                                                               4,000 rooms by next year, which is sufficient
                                                                                               for Bintan Resorts to establish itself as an
                                                                                               international destination,” Wahab pointed out.
                                                                                                  Additionally, construction has begun on
                                                                                               an international airport, “The airport is set to
                                                                                               become operational by 2027,” Wahab revealed.
                                                                                                  It is believed that the collaboration
                                                                                               between VFS Global and Bintan Resorts will
                                                                                               yield positive results. In the past, the Bintan
                                                                                               Resorts team participated in Singapore
                                                                                               Tourism Board’s tourism roadshows and will
                                                                                               continue working closely with the Board.
                                                                                               Wahab mentioned that VFS Global not only
                                                                                               has extensive reach and expertise in India,
                           GB Srithar                             Abdul Wahab                  but its tourism division is now led by Srithar,
                      Head of Tourism Services                         COO                     a seasoned professional who has spent over
                             VFS Global                            Bintan Resorts              a decade promoting Singapore in India. “GB
                                                                                               Srithar’s knowledge and expertise regarding
              a delightful range of food and relaxation   Bintan Island Infrastructure Development  the Indian market will be invaluable in
              activities, the Indian audiences will enjoy their   Abdul Wahab, Chief Operating Officer, Bintan   achieving positive visitor-ship growth results,”
              visit and re-visits,” stated GB Srithar, Head of   Resorts, outlined their immediate plans for   said an expert, speaking on the condition of
              Tourism Services at VFS Global. “We will work   the Indian market, which include working   anonymity.
              closely with our travel trade partners in India   closely with VFS Global to organise roadshows   Another significant development that
              to bring the island’s offerings to their clients.   in key cities across the country and launch   could attract more tourists to Bintan Resorts
              Our strategy will include targeting travellers   trade engagement efforts. “We will soon invite   is the issue of overtourism in some popular
              from secondary cities.” He also mentioned   Indian travel agents for a familiarization trip,”   destinations frequented by the Indian
              that, based on his 13+ years of experience   he announced.                       travellers.  Some destinations aim to manage
              with the Indian travel and tourism market, he   Wahab noted that Bintan alone might not   the growing number of tourists and safeguard
              has observed a growing demand for outbound   be an attractive destination for Indian tourists,   their natural beauty, cultural heritage and
              travel from secondary cities with a good   so they have paired it with Singapore. “Bintan   residents’ need for their own space, which are
              propensity to spend on experiences.     and Singapore are already recognised as a   currently under threat from increased tourism.
                 In 2023, 1.08 million Indians visited   twin destination holiday,” he explained. He   If everything goes as planned, Bintan
              Singapore. Moving forward, VFS Global and   also mentioned that their focus will be on   Resorts is poised to become one of the most
              Bintan Resorts aim to significantly increase   both family vacations and the MICE segment.   popular destinations for Indian tourists
              the number of tourists travelling to the island.   “We’ve already hosted several meetings for   in Southeast Asia in the coming years.
              To realise this vision, it is crucial to share   pharmaceutical companies from Ahmedabad   The strategic marketing initiatives and
              relevant information with the travel trade,   and aim to continue this,” Wahab added.  partnerships aimed at raising awareness will
              embark on meaningful consumer outreach     Regarding infrastructure, Wahab stated   further enhance its appeal. As more Indians
              efforts and marketing collaborations. “In   that it is not an issue since Bintan Resorts   seek new and exciting travel experiences,
              the coming years, we are optimistic about   is managed by a single company. Currently,   Bintan Resorts is ready to welcome them with
              achieving a double-digit percentage of visitors   the destination has 2,800 hotel rooms, with   their distinctive Indonesian hospitality and
              to Singapore spending a few nights in Bintan   an additional 1,200 rooms expected by the   unique island charms.
              Resorts,” Srithar stated emphatically.  end of the year. “This will bring the total to   

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