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        20                                                 TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     OCTOBER, 2024

              Goodbye FOMO, Hello JOMO!

              Embracing the joy of missing out in travel!!

                By Dr Nimit Chowdhary, Professor and Head (Tourism), Faculty of Management Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia

                       aya, a young professional from                                          a park and observing the world around them.
                       Mumbai, finally saved up enough                                         These moments of mindfulness can make a
                       for her dream trip to Paris.                                            trip feel more meaningful and fulfilling.
            MArmed with a detailed itinerary
              and a smartphone full of Instagram spots,                                        Joy in the journey: How JOMO keeps
              she was determined to experience each and                                        one young!
              everything the City of Lights had to offer.                                      Interestingly, the concept of JOMO aligns
              Maya packed her days with back-to-back                                           with a recent study linking travel to
              activities, from sunrise at the Eiffel Tower to                                  slowing the ageing process. By embracing
              late-night strolls along the Seine. She barely                                   mindfulness and avoiding stress-inducing,
              slept, constantly checked her phone for the                                      packed itineraries, JOMO travellers focus on
              next “must-see” location, and spent most of                                      meaningful experiences, which can enhance
              her time snapping photos instead of soaking                                      mental and physical well-being. Positive travel
              in the atmosphere. By the end of the trip,                                       experiences, such as Aditi’s relaxed approach,
              Maya had checked off every item on her list                                      contribute to improved health by reducing
              but returned home feeling more exhausted                                         stress and promoting emotional connection,
              than fulfilled.                                                                  potentially slowing the entropy increase
                 Meet Aditi, a friend of Maya who visited                                      associated with ageing. Thus, JOMO may
              Paris a few months later. Unlike Maya, Aditi   is okay to truly enjoy others. They focus on   support the benefits outlined in the study.
              had a different idea. She had a few places she   quality over quantity, choosing to immerse
              really wanted to see but left the rest of her   themselves in a few meaningful experiences   Ditch the itinerary and discover joy!
              time open for exploration. One day, she spent   rather than trying to do it all.  In today’s whirlwind world, FOMO can hijack
              hours in a small, cozy café sipping coffee and                                   your wanderlust. But what if you broke free
              chatting with the owner about life in Paris.   In no hurry! Travelling on your own   from the chaos? Embracing JOMO reveals
              Another day, she wandered through the city’s  terms!!                            a liberating truth: less is more. Surrender
              quiet neighborhoods, stumbling upon hidden   So, what sets JOMO travellers apart from   to the unknown, and authentic experiences
              parks and local markets, making sense of   FOMO seekers?                         unfold. Your travels transform into heartfelt
              how Parisians live. Aditi didn’t feel the need   Less stress, more enjoyment: When   tales, etched in your soul, not just your social
              to see everything or post constant updates on   you’re not trying to do everything, you can   media feed.
              social media. Instead, she embraced the joy   actually enjoy what you’re doing. JOMO   So, ditch the checklist and collect
              of missing out (JOMO) on the non-essentials,   travellers are less likely to feel stressed or   moments that breathe. Return home with a
              focusing on what truly mattered to her. When   burned out because they’re not constantly   heart full of stories, not just souvenirs. Travel
              she returned home, Aditi felt relaxed, content,   rushing from one activity to the next. They   deeper, not farther.
              and deeply connected to her experiences in   take their time and savour each experience.  “Travel isn’t about collecting places;
              Paris.                                     Deeper connections: JOMO travellers       it’s about discovering moments that stay
                                                      have the time to form deeper connections       with you long after the journey ends.”
              The checklist chaos: Doing it all,      with the places they visit and the people they
              enjoying it none!                       meet. Whether it’s making friends with a local   ‘The views expressed in the column are of the
              FOMO, or Fear of Missing Out, is a mindset   shop owner or spending an afternoon talking   author, and may or may not be endorsed by the
              many travellers experience today. It’s that   to a fellow traveller, these moments often   publication.’
              nagging feeling that you’ll miss out on   become the most cherished memories.
              something amazing if you don’t do it all. That   Authentic experiences: FOMO
              you are here for the first and perhaps the last   travellers often rush to popular tourist spots   Dr. Nimit Chowdhary, a distinguished Professor and
              time and must see it all. FOMO travellers,   commoditised in tourist bubbles. In contrast,   Head of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality
              like Maya, often cram their schedules with   JOMO travellers are more likely to explore   Management at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, brings
              as many activities as possible. They’re driven   off-the-beaten-path locations. This leads to   over 30 years of teaching expertise to the table. With 18
                                                                                                 years as a professor across India, China, and Mexico,
              by the desire to see and do everything, often   more authentic experiences, like discovering   Dr. Chowdhary has also enriched minds as a visiting
              influenced by social media, where everyone   a hidden beach, witnessing a nonchalant   faculty at renowned institutions including the University of
              seems to be living their best lives in exotic   event, or stumbling upon a local festival that   Gotland (Sweden), Girona University (Spain), IIM Sirmaur,
              locations.                              isn’t mentioned in any guidebook.          IIQM, and EDII. Celebrated for his academic excellence,
                                                         Mindfulness: JOMO travellers practice   he has penned 30 books and over 300 scholarly
              Where less is more: Unplanned,          mindfulness, being fully present in the    papers, articles, and chapters, and has guided 23 PhD
              unscripted, unforgettable!!             moment to meet the unforeseen, the         candidates. A globetrotter who has explored more than
              Look at the opposite mindset: JOMO, or the   unscripted, unencumbered. This might mean   40 countries, Dr. Chowdhary is a recognized authority in
              Joy of Missing Out. JOMO travellers like   enjoying a sunset without worrying about   the field of tourism.
              Aditi understand that skipping some things   getting the perfect photo or sitting quietly in

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