Page 17 - TBM_October_2024
P. 17

                                                   TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     OCTOBER, 2024                                                 17

                                                      Having recently taken over               on move ahead with learning which will help
                                                                                               Sharaf Travel to strengthen its foothold better,
                                                      as Business Head-Sales for               is my key responsibility.

                                                      India at Sharaf Travel Group,            Q   India is an expanding market for

                                                      Leena Brahme’s focus lies                    outbound travel, and the traveller is
                                                                                               spoilt for choice with newer destinations,
                                                      in promoting the MSC brand               products and experiences. In that context,

                                                      in India, and growing the                how are you looking at growing the fly-
                                                                                               cruise market?
                                                      of Pegasus Airlines and                  MSC’s fleet having 23 ships across is a
                                                                                               synonym to being spoilt for a choice! Fly
                                                      DrukAir Holidays Bhutan                  cruise market with partnerships of right
                                                      line of businesses. She                  stake holders like NTOs/airlines etc., will
                                                                                               surely boost a better know how for fly cruise
                                                      spoke to Disha Shah Ghosh                advantage.
                                                      about her new role and the               Q   What is your strategy to engage with

                                                      possibilities of hosting large               the travel trade in India, offline and
                                                      groups on the MSC ships.                 The travel trade is moving leaps and bounds
                                                                                               with their digital footprints. We will do our
                                                                                               best to channelise that medium, engage
              ‘Sharaf Travel India has seen over                                               through posts and visuals so that they are well
                                                                                               equipped to convince their guests that the
                                                                                               buying they are looking to happen is a safest
              35% on year growth in passengers’                                                choice of vacation. Offline, we will continue
                                                                                               to meet and greet our TA partners as need to
                                                                                               showcase our ships for them to gain strength
              Q   Enumerate on your new role at Sharaf   ‘‘                                    in the brand.
              My role as Business Head Sales-India entails     MSC’s  fleet  having  23  ships  across  is  a
              and encourages me to increase business
              on MSC Cruises as the core of Sharaf Travel   synonym to being spoilt for a choice! Fly cruise
              India. MSC offers weekend getaways to
              full-fledged family vacations – a world of    market with partnerships of right stake holders like
              discovery is all to experience. From 23 ships
              across and in the fleet of MSC sailing into 250   NTOs/airlines etc., will surely boost a better know
              most sought-after ports, MSC ticks boxes for
              multi-generational travel. My new role also   how for fly cruise advantage.
              extends to Pegasus Airlines as Sharaf Travel                                                                           ‘‘
              is their exclusive GSA in India. Pegasus has
              been flying for 20 years and is Turkey’s most   book at least 6 months in advance. Taking   Q  Any plans of MSC making India as a
              established private airline. This exclusivity   longer sailings for e.g.: Ex Copenhagen,   port of call for your ships?
              adds a nice feather in the cap to have offerings   Barcelona, Rome, Piraeus, Naples, Dubai   Never say Never! And we believe MSC will
              for our B2B partners.                   and so many more options to board from   venture into Indian waters.
               The newest product in the kitty is DrukAir   we see this ride as our opportunity to grow.
              Holidays Bhutan! This is exciting as well as   Our venues onboard are not just classy but   Q  Which are some of the popular
              challenging for us to foray into land-based   so large for all size corporates looking to do   sailings of MSC for Indians? How are
              holiday offerings featuring the most premium   their events.  We believe in offering a venue   you engaging with international tourism
              destination. DrukAir Holidays will offer   equipped with all AV’s without charges.   boards?
              Premium and Luxury packages which also will   This has helped us in creating that space   The popular choice of sailings always has
              be customisable.                        of indulgence which is not worrying on the   remained from Mediterranean and continues
                                                      pocket for the end guests. Only the right   to be. New sailings that are garnering the
              Q   Where does India rank as a source   offers/discounts will keep us engaged with   attention are from Bahamas as our newest
                  market for Sharaf Travel? What is your   the trade to make the noise on the B2B   and large ships are plying in those regions.
              vision to grow this opportunity further?  front. On the B2C front, we will step up on   Another popular sailing port is Copenhagen
              Sharaf Travel India has seen over 35% year   creating good content for end guests to latch   covering Norwegian Fjords. Best of what MSC
              on year growth in passenger numbers. For   on enough to make the mark to ask for MSC   is offers are Mediterranean sailings in winter.
              MSC cruises, India is fly cruise market,   Cruises.                              From October all the way up to January, the
              and we are amazed to see that guests are                                         possibilities of sailing from Valencia, Greece,
              booking long-haul sailings for 07 nights just   Q  Which are your three areas of focus   Izmir (Turkey) and newest Tunisia are popular
              as we see increase in demand for 03/04 and   with this role?                     choices. We are proud to be one-of-its-kind
              05 nights too.                          A. Sales force strengthening, strategic clarity   offering newer explorations with MSC.
               The uptick we see is corporates looking to   regarding all the three brands, and a focus to 

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