Page 12 - TBM_October_2024
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        12                                              TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     OCTOBER, 2024

                                                                                                    Sheetal Munshaw
                                                                                                    Director – India, Atout France

                                                                                                    It was an absolute pleasure and honour
                                                                                                    to receive Mr Branco Ruivo-Managing
                                                                                                    Director of the Eiffel Tower on his very
                                                                                                    first official visit to Mumbai in late
                                                                                                    August. Undoubtedly, the most iconic
                                                                                                    monument in France, the Eiffel Tower is
                                                                                                    a must-visit on every travellers bucket
                                                                                                    list. The “Grande Dame” is very bullish
                                                                                                    on enhancing its Indian arrivals and is
                                                                                                    poised to double the number of Indians
                                                                                                    by 2026.
                                                                                                    The recent introduction of the UPI facility
                                                                                                    has made the booking process using the
                                                                                              (C) E.Li  website seamless and is a convenient
                                                                                                    option for India travellers wanting to
              Eiffel Tower bets big on                                                              reserve their tickets. In addition to
                                                                                                    the payment facility, a slew of very
                                                                                                    experiential propositions of visiting the
              India with plans to double                                                            Eiffel Tower and indulging in France’s
                                                                                                    world renowned art de vivre and savoir
                                                                                                    faire are also in the offing making repeat
              visitors by 2026                                                                      travellers visits memorable and setting
                                                                                                    them apart. The Eiffel Tower under the
                                                                                                    guidance of its very dynamic leadership
                                                                                                    continues to tower upon France’s ever
              Becomes first monument in Europe to offer UPI payments service                        evolving tourism offering and we will
                                                                                                    be working in close collaboration with
                      TBM Staff | Mumbai              2023, 50% are European, 19% are Northern      the them to achieve their objective of
                                                                                                    doubling the number of Indian visitors by
              T      he Eiffel Tower is the most visited   Indian, while French visitors contribute 20% to   2026.
                                                      American, 4% Southern American, and 4%
                                                      the total share.
                     paid monument across the world
                                                                                                    The Eiffel Tower will also be participating
                     witnessing 6,300,000 visitors annually.
                                                         This year, the Eiffel Tower was at the
                                                                                                    in our annual B2B showcase that will
                       During the first visit of the
              Managing Director of the Eiffel Tower Patrick   forefront and centre of the Olympic Games.  take place in Goa early this month
                                                         In terms of its popularity in India, the
              Branco Ruivo to India in Mumbai this year   percentage of Indian visitors to the Eiffel   which will be an appropriate platform to
              in August, he shared his plans to double the   Tower increased in 2024, reaching a peak in   showcase the new offerings.
              percentage of Indian visitors by 2026.   May 2024 (6,8%).
                 In terms of spread of foreign visitors in   Indians are in the Top 10 visitors of the
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