Page 10 - TBM_October_2024
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        10                                                 TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     OCTOBER, 2024

                                                      With Resorts World Cruises               the island. We are also enhancing the
                                                                                               overall experience with fun-filled onboard
                                                      making its debut in the Gulf             activities that will be brought from ship to

                                                      region, Indian travellers                shore. It will be a colourful and memorable
                                                      will have an added layer to
                                                      their overall experience in              Q   What are some of the ship
                                                                                                   enhancements implemented to tap
                                                      the region. Brimming with                HNIs from India?
                                                      excitement, Naresh Rawal,                Dubai is already a popular tourist
                                                      Senior Vice President –                  destination for many HNIs from India.
                                                                                               The commencement of Resorts World
                                                      Sales & Marketing, Resorts               One on November 1, also coincides with
                                                      World Cruises (South Asia                Diwali, which will also attract a wider expat
                                                                                               demographic in the region and the inbound
                                                      and Middle East), Resorts                fly- cruise segment to Dubai.
                                                                                                  Aboard the Resorts World One, we
                                                      World Cruises, spoke to                  have specially curated performances and
                                                      Disha Shah Ghosh about                   unexpected entertainment, inspired by
                                                      this new opportunity to                  the Gulf and across Asia. With the first

                                                      bring the expansive Asian                departure coinciding with the Diwali festive
                                                                                               celebrations, guests from the Gulf and across
                                                      hospitality to one of the                Asia will get to personally experience the
                                                      global melting point of Dubai.           Festival of Light on the Resorts World One,
                                                                                               as the ship will be colourfully decorated
                                                                                               and brightly lit with exciting Diwali inspired
                                                                                               activities, entertainment, “Gujarat food
              ‘We are familiar with                                                            entire week of celebration.
                                                                                               festival”, sweets and desserts during the

                                                                                                  Catch the onboard day to night parties
                                                                                               for the best time of your life, starting with
              pioneering new waters’                                                           the high energy ‘Dazzling Departure Party’
                                                                                               packed with music and entertainers. Enjoy
                                                                                               the captivating ‘Twilight Soirée’ – featuring
                                                                                               a mesmerizing dinner show party that will
                                                                                               elevate your senses; or experience the
              Q   At the cusp of launching the Gulf    Q   With Dubai as home-port, you will   magical Arabian culture, tradition, music
                                                                                               and colours with the ‘Enchanting Arabian
                  sailings, what are your sentiments for
                                                           be competing with larger ships
              foraying into new waters?               deployed by your contemporaries. What    Nights Party’ or the ‘Sand & Oasis Party’
              The feedback and demand on the ground   is your strategy to establish a foothold   under the starry nights. Continue to dance
              from both the local and fly-cruise market,   in this market, and the kind of passenger   the night away to your favourite tunes at
              be it from the trade, customers and overall   count you are looking at in the first year of   the ‘Bollywood Party’ and for more amazing
              in general are very positive, as we are set to   operations?                     experiences, don’t miss the bubble-licious
              introduce a unique brand of cruising with   For us here at Resorts World Cruises, we   ‘Foam Party’; water-splashing ‘Rain Party’;
              round trip cruises from Dubai to Sir Bani Yas,   know Asia best. We are offering a unique   ‘Family Pyjama Party under the Stars’ and
              Doha, Khasab and Muscat. We are excited   brand of Asian cruising experience, coupled   more.
              and highly optimistic of the strong prospect   with our renowned Asian hospitality and   The ship will also offer vegetarian and
              and new opportunities that await us in the   best in class services, which we feel will set   Jain cuisine for the convenience of guests
              Gulf region.                            us apart from other brands. Our goal is to   from India.
                                                      ensure we deliver offerings that matter to
              Q   How challenging is this opportunity,   the target market such as providing certified   Q  What activities have been chalked out
                                                                                                   for travel trade engagement jointly
                                                      Halal cuisines, Muslim-friendly offerings and
                  considering your experience has
              always been Asia centric, and even Resorts   exciting customised entertainment for the   with the tourism promotion agencies of
              World has been a known brand in this    region.                                  Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Khasab and Muscat
              region?                                                                          since these destinations along with Dubai
              We are up for the challenge as pioneering   Q  The ship will introduce lesser-known   are actively working in India?
              new waters is something we are very          Sir Bani Yas Island. At a time when   We are working hand-in-hand with the
              familiar with. As a group, we have decades   the Indian traveller is spoilt for choice,   different tourism boards to promote the
              of valuable experience and skillsets in the   how do your plan to position such unique   respective cruising destinations through
              hospitality, entertainment and cruising   sailing ports in India?                various A&P platforms, media and key
              sector, which enabled us to cater to different   Resorts World Cruises is about introducing   influencers. The support from the various
              markets effectively. Our progression to the   new destinations and creating new demand.   Tourism bodies has been very positive in
              Gulf is timely and we are looking forward to   Sir Bani Yas island is truly a beautiful island   India, and we will continue to collaborate on
              delivering various customised offerings that   with a wide variety of attractions and we   joint promotions to develop the cruise sector
              we have outlined for the upcoming homeport   are constantly working very closely with the   in the Gulf region.
              deployment in Dubai.                    local authorities to highlight and promote            

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