Page 14 - TBM_October_2024
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14    DESTINATION FOCUS                         TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     OCTOBER, 2024

                                                                                       VFS Global has partnered with Bintan Resorts

                                                                                       to boost its presence in the Indian market.
                                                                                       Located less than an hour by ferry from

                                                                                       Singapore, the Indonesian island of Bintan
                                                                                       has the potential to become a sought-after
                                                                                       destination for Indian travellers seeking for a
                                                                                       peaceful escape from overtourism.

              Bintan Resorts: A Serene Getaway for Indian

              Tourists Amid Overtourism Challenges

                 Prasenjit Chakraborty | Indonesia    travel from one point to another in just 15-20   travellers need not worry. There are many
                                                      minutes. Low or no traffic within the resorts   lesser-known destinations are waiting to be
                ncredible, Impressive, and Inconceivable   facilities is due to its separation from Tanjung   explored, offering unique experiences far from
                are three words that aptly describe Bintan   Pinang, the capital of the Riau Islands, where   the tourist crowds. And Bintan Resorts is
                Resorts. Although situated in the Riau   most locals live. Only those working in the   certainly one of them!
             IArchipelago of Indonesia, it is just a   Bintan Resorts reside in designated areas,   Visitors to Bintan Resorts will discover a
              55-minute ferry ride from Singapore. This   ensuring travellers feel freedom of movement   unique experience that few destinations can
              proximity makes Singapore a favoured getaway   and vast spaces. This aspect is especially   match. The key distinguishing feature? The
              for Indian travellers wishing to visit Bintan   appealing when choosing a destination in the   unparalleled peace and tranquillity that make
              Resorts. To attract more tourists from the Indian   post-COVID era. To be candid, the destination   this destination truly special.
              market, VFS Global recently entered into a   is perfect for those looking to escape the
              partnership with Bintan Resorts, Indonesia. To   hustle and bustle of city life and reconnect   Target Audiences and Cities in India
              enter Bintan, travellers need a multiple-entry   with themselves. Its tranquil atmosphere is   VFS Global and Bintan Resorts will focus
              visa for Singapore. Once they arrive in Bintan,   also ideal for bonding with family, friends, and   on the family, young travellers, MICE and
              they will receive a visa on arrival.    colleagues.                              wedding segments within the Indian market.
                 Bintan Resorts is a stunning destination   In a competitive market where, other   From a MICE destination perspective,
              with pristine beaches, turquoise waters,   destinations are aggressively promoting their   corporates could pair Bintan with Singapore
              and lush landscapes. It features luxurious   offerings, VFS Global and Bintan Resorts need   in their offerings, allocating perhaps two
              accommodations and a variety of activities,   a strategic and tailored approach to effectively   nights to each destination.
              including water sports and cultural     promote Bintan. To achieve this, it’s crucial to   It is important to note that Bintan Resorts
              experiences. This blend of natural beauty,   build substantial market awareness among   is being reintroduced to the Indian market.
              exclusivity, and convenience all set to make it   travel partners. Going forward, they have to   The Tourism Service Unit within the VFS
              a popular destination for Indian travellers in   ensure that travel agents and trade partners   Global will promote the destination across
              the months to come.                     are well-informed about what Bintan offers to   India, not just in metro cities. Singapore has
                 The Bintan Resorts occupies an exclusive   Indian travellers.                 direct connections from above 15 cities in
              space within the island, offering a modern   In recent years, worldwide many known   India, and the audiences from these gateways
              escape set within nature, combining serenity   destinations have suffered from their   will naturally be of priority to engage with.
              and calmness with a unique advantage- zero   own success. With the surge in tourism,   “Bintan Resorts offer the Indian audiences
              traffic. In contrast to the traffic congestion   overcrowding has become a significant   a diverse range of experiences in a tranquil,
              common in Indian cities, Bintan Resorts   problem, diminishing the charm of once-  bountiful nature and beautiful setting.
              provides a hassle-free experience, allowing   pristine locations. However, adventurous   From beaches to forests, idyllic resorts to

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