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                                                   TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     OCTOBER, 2024                                                 11
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              With members-first approach, Sunil Kumar

              to lead TAAI for two-year term

                Prasenjit Chakraborty | Mumbai  Sameer Karnani, Rajan Sehgal,
                                            Manav Soni, Gopal Unadkat and
                 t the Travel Agents        Amish Desai.
              AAssociation of India (TAAI)     The elections for the national
              national elections held in Mumbai   office-bearers and Managing
              at ITC Maratha, Sunil Kumar has   Committee was held after
              been elected as President for   concluding the 73rd AGM of the
              the 2024-26 term, with Lokesh   oldest and largest association of
              Bettaiah joining him as Vice   the travel agent fraternity in India.
              President.                       Speaking exclusively to
                 Kumar secured 306 votes to   TravelBiz Monitor, Sunil Kumar,
              win the elections.            the newly elected President,
                 Shreeram Patel is now the   stated that his priority will be a
              Honorary Secretary, and Paras   “member-first” approach. “All
              Lakhia has been named as      our programmes will focus on
              Honorary Treasurer.           members, and we will begin
                 The other two contenders for   identifying challenges that we   five years, I will strive to continue   that the growth of the tourism
              the President’s post were former   can overcome together,” he said.   the goodwill that was established   industry is directly proportional
              President, Jyoti Mayal (177  votes)   “I have a very good team, and we   earlier. The members believe   to the growth of individual travel
              and Harmandeep Singh Anand    will work collaboratively.”   that I can bring the changes they   companies. “I assure you that we,
              (286 votes).                     Kumar expressed his gratitude   anticipate.”              as a team, will be visible in the
                 The newly-elected Managing   to members from across the     When discussing the biggest   industry through our actions,” he
              Committee members are P Lalith   country for their confidence in   challenge in the industry, Kumar   added.
              Kumar Jain, Hema RV Chander,   him. “Though I am returning after   emphasised the need to ensure

              CONTD from PG 01                                        Illinois Office of Tourism appoints Sartha
              Iran Tourism debuts in India...                         Global Marketing as India Representative

                  “Prospective travellers should inquire about Iran’s safety,
              hospitality, and overall appeal from those who have already been                 TBM Staff | Mumbai
              there. Our country is safe, and Iranians are known for their warm
              welcome to visitors,” he added.                            he Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO),
                 Hosseinabadi urged people not to be misled by those trying   TOffice of Tourism announced it is opening a new office in New Delhi, India
              to present a distorted image of Iran. “Certain media outlets are   to attract more overseas visitors to Illinois.
              deliberately broadcasting misleading information,” he remarked.”  The official travel authority for the state of Illinois in the USA announced
                 Meanwhile the event also witnessed signing an MoU between   the appointment of Sartha Global Marketing LLP as its partner in India for
              the Iranian Tour Operator Association (ITOA) and Maharashtra   marketing and promotional activities.
              Tour Organisers Association (MTOA). The MoU was signed by   Sartha will develop and implement
              Mostafa Shafiee Shakib, Chairman, ITOA and Vishvajeet Raja   comprehensive travel trade and public
              Patil, President, MTOA.                                 relations programs to inspire Indian
                 Later, Patil mentioned that ITOA aims to start a dialogue with   travellers to explore the state and its
              local travel agents in India. “They want MTOA to play a key role   unique experiences including luxury,
              in connecting with travel agents from Mumbai, Maharashtra.   culinary, architecture, outdoor experiences and cultural attractions.
              ITOA is looking to establish a regular exchange of ideas to   Daniel Thomas, Deputy Director of the Illinois Department of Commerce
              explore ways to boost outbound tourism from India to Iran and   and Economic Opportunity, Office of Tourism, said, “India is now the largest
              vice versa,” Patil explained.                           overseas source market for Illinois, with a tremendous 55% increase in visitors
                 He mentioned that Iran has introduced a paperless visa entry   from 2019 to 2023. We are excited to partner with Sartha Global Marketing to
              system for Indian tourists, eliminating passport stamping. “This   welcome Indian travellers to experience Illinois’ world-class cities, natural
              is a significant move by the Iranian government,” Patil noted.  landscapes, and cultural diversity. From vibrant Chicago to charming small
                 Acknowledging that there are concerns among Indians   towns along the Mississippi River and stunning state parks, we offer something
              regarding safety in Iran due to the current political situation.   for every traveller. Whether it’s culinary, arts, history, or nature, we invite you to
              However, it’s a matter of time; when tourists start visiting, it will   discover the heart of the U.S.”
              be as usual.                                               Sheema Vohra, Managing Director, Sartha Global Marketing LLP, added,
                 Shakib stated that this is just the beginning of understanding   “We are excited to commence work on promoting Illinois in India, a state
              and recognising each other’s needs. “I am very happy and   that has something for every Indian traveler. With Chicago as an excellent
              sincerely believe that tourists from both India and Iran will travel   gateway, Illinois offers dynamic cities, breathtaking outdoor adventures,
              to each other’s countries, opening up new vistas on the tourism   diverse attractions, and a rich historical legacy. We are honored to be working
              front,” he said.”                                       with the Illinois Office of Tourism to promote this wonderful state, a must-visit
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