Page 6 - TBM_October_2024
P. 6

          6                                                TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     OCTOBER, 2024

                                                      At a time when outbound                  Q   Do you see Indians opting for visa free
                                                                                                   or visa on arrival destinations amid
                                                      travel is seeing a surge,                delay in obtaining visas?
                                                                                               The choice of a travel destination is influenced
                                                      a fact well supplemented                 by several factors beyond the visa process,
                                                                                               such as the destination’s appeal and whether
                                                      by the growth in visas,                  the traveller has visited before. With the
                                                                                               Indian outbound travel market growing at a
                                                      Yummi Talwar, COO                        promising CAGR of 11.4%, destinations are
                                                                                               actively working to attract these travellers,
                                                      – South Asia, VFS                        offering a wide range of expanding travel
                                                      Global spoke to Disha                     For a smooth visa application process, we
                                                                                               recommend applicants review the checklist
                                                      Shah Ghosh about this                    available on our website before applying.
                                                                                               As a trusted partner to governments, VFS
                                                      trend, and the segments                  Global handles the front-end administrative
                                                                                               tasks, ensuring a reliable and efficient
                                                      that are driving traffic                 process. However, it’s important to note that
                                                                                               we play no role in visa decisions, which are
                                                      abroad.                                  solely made by the respective embassies or

              ‘Visa demand rises in tandem                                                     In India, travel agents are critical partners in
                                                                                                   How are you engaging with the travel
                                                                                                   trade in India?
              with outbound travel growth’                                                     the travel ecosystem, playing a vital role in
                                                                                               guiding clients through the visa application
                                                                                               process. We regularly communicate with
                                                                                               them about any updates or new requirements
              Q   What is your overview of the outbound
                  travel market considering your half
              yearly performance of 2024?              ‘‘       In India, travel agents are critical partners in the
              In recent years, the Indian outbound market
              has experienced remarkable growth, and its        travel ecosystem, playing a vital role in guiding
              upward trajectory shows no signs of slowing
              down. According to a joint study by FICCI and
              Nangia NXT, this market is poised to grow at   clients through the visa application process. We
              a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of
              11.4%, reaching a staggering USD 55.39 billion   regularly communicate with  them  about any
              by 2034. This reflects not only the growing
              affluence of Indian travellers, but also their   updates or new requirements mandated by the 52
              increasing aspiration for global experiences.
               A significant driver of this growth is the   client governments we serve in India.
              rising number of Indian students seeking                                                                               ‘‘
              educational opportunities abroad. The
              Indian Student Mobility Report 2023 reveals
              that 1,090,000 students travelled overseas   increased spending power are key factors,   mandated by the 52 client governments we
              in 2019. By 2022, this number had surged   with Indians ranking among the top spenders   serve in India.
              to approximately 1,320,000, and projections   in many destinations.               We deeply value our collaboration
              indicate that by 2025, around 2 million Indian   Student travel, a rapidly growing segment,   with major travel associations like TAAI,
              students will be pursuing higher education in   is outpacing other categories. The expanding   TAFI, and ETAA. We advise them to avoid
              foreign institutions.                   Indian diaspora is also contributing to the   fraudulent entities that charge for scheduling
               Mirroring this trend, VFS Global saw its   growth, particularly in the VFR segment.   appointments, which are freely available on
              application volumes in the first half of this   Looking ahead, this trend is expected to   our website. We also encourage agents to
              year exceed pre-pandemic levels by 2%, with   continue well into 2025, indicating sustained   advise their clients to apply for visas well in
              an 11% growth in the same period in 2023.   growth in India’s outbound travel market.   advance, considering the processing times of
              It highlights VFS Global’s role in supporting   These are key reasons that are driving the   different governments.
              India’s growing global mobility.        growth of visa applications from India.   At the local level, we engage with agents
                                                        As a market leader and trusted partner to   to address region-specific issues and
              Q   What are the factors driving the growth   68 governments, VFS Global’s unique value   offer solutions within our services. We
                                                                                               consistently emphasise that our role is
                  in visa applications from India?
                                                      proposition has enabled governments to
              The demand for overseas travel from India has   focus solely on the critical visa decision-  limited to handling the front end of the visa
              surged, driven by leisure, business, Visiting   making process and helped significantly in   process, a message well understood by our
              Friends and Relatives (VFR), employment, and   driving cross border mobility benefiting visa   partners.
              student travel. Rising disposable income and   applicants worldwide.                         

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