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          4                                                TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     OCTOBER, 2024
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              Promoting Peace Through Tourism: A Collaborative

              Event by the Thai Consulate and IIPT in Mumbai

                     Prasenjit Chakraborty | Mumbai   we currently face.”
                                                         The Consul General also expressed
                 he Thai Consulate in Mumbai and the   profound gratitude for the participation,
              TInternational Institute for Peace Through   stating that the event effectively highlighted
              Tourism (IIPT) organised an event “Promoting   the positive impact of tourism in promoting
              Peace Through Tourism” on September 21 in   global peace.
              Mumbai.                                    While speaking to media, Ajay Prakash,
                 The event witnessed the presence of   Global President of the IIPT, highlighted that
              consuls general and eminent personalities   the organisation, founded in 1986 by Dr. Louis
              from the travel trade. It highlighted how   D’Amore, operates as a non-profit. Prakash
              tourism can be a harbinger of peace in the   succeeded Dr. D’Amore as Global President
              world. Additionally, it showcased Thai cuisine   last year. He noted that the International
              and offered many fun activities, including a   Day of Peace (IDP) is celebrated worldwide   potential to become the first global peace
              lucky draw for a round-trip ticket to Thailand.   on September 21, as designated by the UN   industry. “What is even more profound is that
              The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) also   General Assembly to promote peace.  every traveller is potentially an ambassador
              played an important role to make the occasion   “Most people are familiar with   of peace,” he pointed out. He emphasized
              a grand success.                        International Tourism Day on September   that tourism is a harbinger of peace and,
                 Speaking on the occasion, Donnawit   27, and interestingly, this year’s theme also   citing the example of Kashmir, highlighted
              Poolsawat, Consul General of Thailand   focuses on tourism and peace,” Prakash   the remarkable difference in the region’s
              in Mumbai, stated, “We are in the 21st   remarked.                               socio-economic conditions. “It is tourism that
              century, and advancements in technology    According to him, “It is implied that you   defeats terrorism,” he stated.
              and progress in social media should have   need peace for tourism to be successful.   Justifying the choice of Thailand as a
              made the world a better place to live in.   Conversely, tourism can also serve as a tool   partner for the event, Prakash remarked that
              Unfortunately, this is not the case. Conflict,   for peace, which is not easily understood.   the country welcomes everyone, regardless of
              mistrust, and misunderstanding still exist in   That is the mission of IIPT.” Prakash further   caste, creed, religion, or colour. “This makes it
              our world, which is undesirable. Tourism can   noted that travel and tourism contribute   an ideal partner for collaboration,” he stated.
              play a significant role in addressing the issues   10% of global GDP, and the industry has the

              Sharjah gains popularity among Indians;

              showcases development & growth targets

                     Prasenjit Chakraborty | Mumbai   The garden’s outdoor areas are open from   and promotional campaigns with other GCC
                                                      September through May, and the Hanging   countries, Midfa responded, “Such initiatives
                 harjah, one of the seven emirates of the   Garden is also popular with Indian tourists,”   might occur in the future, but there are no
              SUnited Arab Emirates (UAE), is quickly   Midfa added. He also noted a striking artificial   plans at the moment. I believe individual
              becoming a top tourism hotspot. To attract more   lagoon near the garden, which offers a variety   efforts are currently more effective.”
              visitors from India, the Sharjah Commerce and   of activities for visitors.         Regarding the upcoming winter season,
              Tourism Development Authority (SCTDA)                                                  Midfa indicated that while there will
              recently hosted a roadshow in Mumbai,                                                  be a winter campaign, it will not be as
              which saw strong participation from the                                                extensive as the summer campaign
              city’s travel trade sector.                                                            due to the existing strong demand.
                 At the event, Khalid Jasim Al Midfa,                                                   On the Indian market, Midfa
              Chairman of SCTDA, highlighted                                                         highlighted that the country has
              Sharjah’s progress and its expanding                                                   become Sharjah’s third-largest source
              range of attractions. “We are making                                                   market. “Last year, 165,000 Indian
              significant advances, particularly in                                                  visitors stayed in Sharjah hotels. This
              adventure tourism and eco-tourism, which   Midfa noted that these attractions are   year, our goal is to increase that number by
              is increasingly popular globally,” Midfa   situated in a rural area on the East Coast,   10%, aiming for around 185,000,” he said. He
              remarked.                               and their development is being executed in   also noted that 94,000 Indians have visited
                 One of Sharjah’s latest highlights is the   three phases. “First, we connected the area   Sharjah in the first half of this year, which is
              Hanging Garden, featuring expansive green   to the city of Sharjah and the rest of the UAE   very encouraging.
              areas, flower-adorned terraces, and waterfalls.   with a world-class road. In the second phase,   Additionally, Sharjah International Airport
              “This garden has quickly become a favourite   we established the attractions. Currently, we   is expanding its capacity from 8 million to 25
              among tourists and tends to be busy except   are focused on building additional hotels,”   million passengers per year, with the project
              during the summer months. However,      Midfa explained. He mentioned that Sharjah   slated for completion by the end of 2026,
              visitors can still enjoy indoor amenities   currently offers 11,000 hotel rooms.  according to Midfa.
              like restaurants and cafes during this time.   When asked about possible joint marketing  

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