reveals 7 emerging travel predictions for 2023 - India's Top Travel News Source: TravelBiz Monitor
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Moscow Tourism reveals 7 emerging travel predictions for 2023

According to a Booking .com survey, people around the world are feeling more optimistic about travelling in 2023 compared to 2022. “Despite some current instability felt globally, nearly 72% report that travelling will always be worth it. The mood is shifting from one of hopeful uncertainty to bold adaptability. If 2022 was about the triumphant return of travel, 2023 will be about creatively reimagining it amidst the chaos. Nothing will be off limits and everything is on the menu as everyone seeks to find the right balance in a world of contradictions,” the survey finds.

To understand how travel will be reimagined in 2023, commissioned extensive research with more than 24,000 travellers across 32 countries and territories including India, combining it with its insights as a leading digital travel platform to reveal seven emerging travel predictions.

At a time of general upheaval, where war, increased societal polarisation, rising inflation and urgent concerns about climate change are all continuing to radically change the world, people are finding themselves in a multi-directional tug-of-war, working to reconcile what is important to them with the demands of everyday life. The 2023 travel predictions reflect this sentiment, revealing that the needs of travellers are moving in a lot of different directions to adapt to changing times.

Santosh Kumar, Country Manager for India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, and Indonesia at comments, “The years of pandemic gave us a chance to reminisce and acknowledge that travel should not be taken for granted. Our Travel predictions 2023 research demonstrates a desire for travel to be a way to seek unapologetic moments of happiness and escapism to counteract the heavy realities of our news feeds. At our aim will continue to be to make it easier for everyone to seek their unique travel bliss in a more personalised and connected way in the year ahead and beyond.”

Key Highlights

Preppers in Paradise: 64% of Indian travellers are looking for ‘off grid’ style vacations to escape from reality and user travel as an opportunity to learn survival skills or even prepare for an apocalypse.

Virtual Voyagers: 70% of Indian travellers are keen to embark on a multi-day VR travel experience as virtual vacations enter the Metaverse.

Delight in the discomfort zone: 71% of Indian travellers are looking forward to experiencing ‘out of comfort zone’ travel that pushes them to the limits.

Glamorising the Good ol’ Days: Nostalgic getaways that provide the thrill of reliving the glory days and harken back to simpler times are top of the travel wishlist for almost 95% Indian travellers.

Peace and Pleasure Pilgrimages: 63% of Indian travellers will be taking a less conventional approach to wellness by seeking serenity at a silent retreat

From Daily Grind to Great Company Escape: 68% of the Indian workforce is looking forward to their employer planning a ‘real life’ work trip to bring people together and build team camaraderie away from the office.

Saving to Splurge: While investing in a vacation remains a top priority for Indians, being budget conscious is key, with 75% of Indian travellers seeking more bang for their buck.

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