Page 20 - TBM_February_2024
P. 20

        20                                                 TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     FEBRUARY, 2024

              Ayodhya’s Ram Mandir

              A New Vista for Religious Tourism

                         hether referred to as Spiritual                                       places, monuments, and festivals. They come
                         Tourism, Religious Tourism,                                           to witness the divine splendour, to feel the
                         or a Sacred Journey, this            Religious tourism                spiritual energy, and to partake in the rituals
             Wsector of tourism in India has             has surged in the country,            and traditions that have been passed down for
              gained significant momentum following the                                        centuries,” Mayal opined.
              inauguration of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya    particularly post-Covid.               According to the latest statistics, religious
              last month. While it may seem that this    Experts anticipate that the            tourism in India is set to reach new heights
              development will primarily boost domestic   inauguration of the Ram Temple         in 2024, especially after the grand opening
              tourism, its impact is not limited to that;                                        of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, which is
              it is expected to influence the inbound   will accelerate this growth, as an       expected to attract millions of devotees
              tourism sector as well, albeit with varying   increasing number of travellers      every year. “The temple, a symbol of faith
              magnitudes.                                                                        and resilience, stands on the banks of the
                 Jefferies (an investment bank) predicts   seek to include religious             Sarayu River, where Lord Ram is believed to
              that the South Asian country, home to the   destinations in their holiday         have been born. Other sacred sites, such as
              world’s largest Hindu population, could                                          the Kashi Vishwanath Corridor, the Mahakal
              witness a substantial increase in tourist          plans, writes                 Corridor, the Tirupati Temple, and the Vaishno
              numbers, ranging from 50 million to 100       Prasenjit Chakraborty.             Devi Temple, are also witnessing a surge in
              million annually, following the inauguration                                     popularity and accessibility among tourists,”
              of the new Ram Mandir in the northern city of                                    she said. These places offer a glimpse of the
              Ayodhya. This projected influx to the temple   Pradesh, drawing 25 million visitors annually,   diverse and vibrant expressions of Hinduism,
              is anticipated to surpass the yearly visitors   and the Vaishno Devi Temple in Jammu and   from the ancient to the modern, from the
              to iconic landmarks such as the Taj Mahal   Kashmir, attracting 8 million visitors per year.  serene to the ecstatic.
              in India (6.5 million), Vatican City in Rome   Jyoti Mayal, President, TAAI, said that   Religious tourism is not only a lucrative
              (9 million), and Mecca in Saudi Arabia (20   religious tourism, or the sacred journey   and employment-generating sector for the
              million), as indicated in the report.   of the soul, is one of the oldest and most   country, but also a catalyst for social harmony,
                 The investment bank also highlighted   profound forms of tourism in India. “The   cultural exchange, and national integration.
              the strong spiritual, historical, and cultural   country, a kaleidoscope of cultures and faiths,   As India emerges as a global pilgrimage
              significance of other religious sites in India,   beckons millions of pilgrims and seekers   hotspot, it also faces some challenges,
              such as the Tirupati Temple in Andhra   every year, who flock to its various holy   such as ensuring the safety and security

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