Page 15 - TBM_February_2024
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                                                   TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     FEBRUARY, 2024                                                15

              especially in comparison to November 2023 when growth over the latest   previous month, RPKs saw 24.2% yearly growth while sitting 5.3% under
              pre-pandemic year had reached 9.2%. In December 2019, domestic   pre-Covid numbers. Regions also experienced minor developments in
              RPKs had increased by 9.9% YoY thus standing out from the previous   terms of growth while maintaining an upward trajectory in seasonally
              observations of the pre-Covid years. Consequently, this market has not   adjusted terms, however, sustaining their growth momentum in terms
              seen any sign of slowdown (Chart 4).                         growth over 2019 levels. North American carriers continued to lead,
                 PR China domestic traffic increased more than twofold, surging   increasing their performance by 5.5% over 2019 levels. Europe saw
              147.1% YoY and exceeding 2019 numbers by 8.4%. Passenger load factor   monthly recovery in international traffic for the first time, surpassing
              was 13.4ppt higher than the past year, however, 3.3ppt lower than in   December 2019 RPKs by 0.8%. International RPKs performed by Latin
              2019, still reflecting the large improvements this market has seen from   American carriers still trend above pre-Covid levels as December levels
              the last Covid year and traffic expansion in comparison to 2019 (Chart 4).  were 1.6% higher than the same month in 2019 (Chart 5). These three
                 In India domestic traffic also continued to expand, increasing 8.2%   regions continued to see solid growth compared to the same month in
              over the year and surpassing pre-pandemic levels by 6.0%. Somewhat   2022. Europe international RPKs grew 13.6% YoY while North American
              mirroring the economic situation and slowing domestic consumption,   and Latin American carriers saw 13.5% and 26.5% YoY growth.
              domestic RPKs contraction is confirmed in Japan. In seasonally   Airlines in Africa experienced the lowest increase in international
              adjusted terms, passenger numbers decreased on average 1.3% per   RPKs among the regions, nevertheless close to double-digit growth.
              month. Nevertheless, RPKs were 0.9% superior to December 2022 and   RPKs grew 9.5% YoY and reached 93.4% of pre-Covid levels. Middle
              7.9% lower than pre-pandemic.                                Eastern carriers’ international traffic fared near its pre-pandemic levels,
                 Australia domestic RPKs increased 6.6% over the year and sat 7.6%   totaling 96.9% of December 2019 RPKs.
              under pre-Covid levels. Brazil saw 5.9% YoY growth in domestic RPKs.   Following a swift recovery in early 2023 and the end of 2022,
              Traffic continued to trend around pre-pandemic levels (Chart 4).  Asia Pacific’s international passenger numbers have been trending
                 International passenger traffic recovery remained stable in   roughly sideways since July 2023 in terms of recovery to 2019 levels.
              December                                                     Nonetheless, the region saw the highest yearly growth again in
                 International traffic growth saw only modest changes from the   December, with RPKs increasing 56.9% YoY.

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