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        10                                                 TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     FEBRUARY, 2024
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              Explore alternative revenue models beyond

              hotels & ticketing: TAFI President

                     Prasenjit Chakraborty | Mumbai   synergy here, and we need to work on this.”
                                                         According to Prakash, the airlines have
                 he Western Region Chapter of the     become very rigid in their approach now. “The
              TTravel Agents Federation of India (TAFI)   relationship that existed earlier is a thing of
              organised a meeting in Mumbai recently.   the past,” he pointed out. Prakash said it is
              The purpose of the meeting was to help   imperative now to create products beyond just
              its members embrace technology and also   travel. “We need to create experiences and
              to explore alternate revenue models. The   amplify lifestyles. We need to go beyond what
              meeting also witnessed a presentation from   we have been doing all these years,” pointed
              Nuvama Wealth.                          out Prakash.
                 Ajay Prakash, President of TAFI, said that   Speaking to TravelBiz Monitor on the   Ajay Prakash
              the travel business has changed enormously,   sidelines of the event, Jay Kantawala,
              and technology is a reality now. “We need to   Chairman, Western India Chapter, TAFI, said   meeting will focus on technology. Kantawala
              embrace technology and, at the same time,   that they want to add value to the business of   appealed to members to participate in every
              look for alternate revenue models beyond   their members. “We want to make a difference   meeting and raise questions on important
              hotels and ticketing,” exhorted Prakash.   to our members; at the end of the day, we are   issues. “This will help both the association
              Describing Nuvama’s presentation as an   all in business and have to flourish,” pointed   and the industry,” he said. Around 80 members
              excellent proposition, he said, “I think there is   out Kantawala. He also said that their next   participated in the meeting.

              Kenya’s Safari Trails launches Super-Luxurious

              Uganda package in the Indian market

                     Prasenjit Chakraborty | Mumbai                                            photographers itself is a segment for us,” he
                 uoyed by the launch of direct flights by                                         Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, and
              BUganda Airlines from India, Kenya-based                                         Ahmedabad have traditionally served as the
              Safari Trails, a boutique DMC for East Africa                                    company’s primary markets. However, they
              has initiated promoting Uganda in the Indian                                     are currently focusing on Tier-II cities also,
              market.                                                                          such as Nagpur, Raipur, Chandigarh, and
                 “There are hardly 14-15 gorilla families                                      Sambhaji Nagar (formerly Aurangabad). “I see
              which are spread over in Rwanda, Uganda.                                         substantial potential in these markets. With
              These two countries are the only places in the                                   this in mind, we are organising roadshows
              world where one can see gorillas,” said Rajay                                    later this year, specifically targeting Tier-II and
              Thethy, CEO, Safari Trails, during his recent                                    III cities,” revealed Thethy.
              visit to India.                                                                     Clarifying the misconception about
                 His main purpose of the visit was to                                          Kenya’s weather, he explained that the climate
              introduce and market Uganda in the Indian                                        there is pleasant, with the highest temperature
              market as he said, “Uganda as a destination   Rajay Thethy                       ranging between 25-26 degrees Celsius. “Many
              is not known in this market.” Safari Trails has                                  people in India believe that Kenya is a tropical
              segmented its business in three categories                                       country with temperatures soaring to 42-43
              and each team handles MICE, Africa and   Land Cruisers, while in Uganda, they offer   degrees Celsius, but that’s not the case. Kenya
              Super Luxury. The company, in the Super   safaris through treks and by boat on the Nile   is a year-round destination, and its people are
              Luxury category, handles destinations like   river.                              warm and always smiling,” stated Thethy.
              Rwanda, Uganda, etc.                       For Safari Trails, India has emerged as   In terms of the demand from Indian
                 The company offers various packages,   the largest source market. “From our total   travellers, he said that unlike the previous
              and among them is the Great Apes package,   business, the Indian market contributes   affinity towards luxurious rooms with
              which allows participants to observe both   55%,” revealed Thethy. The company is also   chandeliers, they now seek more authentic
              gorillas and chimpanzees. “Chimpanzees   witnessing a lot of demand for Kenya and   African experiences. Thethy said, “They are
              are found in Queen Elizabeth National Park   Tanzania which also fall in the Super Luxury   looking for experiences and culture now.”
              (Uganda). Besides chimpanzees, the park   category. “Earlier, Indian travellers used to   He firmly believes that the combination of
              also has flamingos, tree climbing lines, salt   spend USD 5,000-10,000 for trips to Kenya and   enhanced air connectivity, visa issuance within
              pans, hence, making it a diverse product,”   Tanzania. Now, the average spending by them   24-48 hours, the availability of Indian food, and
              pointed out Thethy. Murchison Falls is another   has increased to USD 20,000-30,000,” says   the warm hospitality extended by the people
              stunning experience which is also included in   Thethy.                          of Kenya will contribute to making 2024 a
              this package.                              A significant portion of their business is   favourable year for the company.
                 In Kenya, the company offers safaris using   attributed to wildlife photographers. “Wildlife

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