Page 9 - TBM_February_2024
P. 9

                                                   TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     FEBRUARY, 2024                                                9


              If tourism is one of the visible spin-offs, let proven experts handle the town’s civic maintenance.

                 ome local municipalities do work hard on sanitation but the   sections of society. Indore did it. Why can’t every other city?
              Susual narrative is that the littering habit is inherent in the   For years tourism conclaves and associations mouthed the
              common people. However, there is no reason to be smug and not   importance of spiritual or religious tourism as a big revenue
              step up to hold our own bull by its horns. It is time to pick and   generator. Last month Ayodhya emphasised it with a bang.
              select one example and work on it.                              The evidence of its potential is now spilling all over the place.
                 It’s easy to blame the teeming public for littering. Despite   Estimates deduce an Rs 20,000 crore revenue from visitors in the first
              almost a decade of Swachh Bharat initiatives, what meets the eye   financial year itself. Last time I visited the temple town I had to contend
                             leaves much to be desired. Special occasions and   with mosquitoes in the best accommodations I could find in a small
                                 VIP visits do make a difference to the worst   street that was supposedly the main market centre. Today, the scene is
                                    kept tourist destinations but post that   quite the opposite.
                                      brief interval, it is business as usual.  There are many more destinations that could offer a similar tourism
                                          The recent consecration of the   prospect. State governments are waking up to it. Witness the effort at
                                         Ayodhya temple has catapulted the   Puri in Odisha to build better environs at Jagannath temple complex.
                                          town as a potential city that will   However not much is heard about any consolidated attempt to upgrade
                                          define the expertise of modern   the entire city’s civic infrastructure beyond that.
                                           India to salvage infrastructure,   Coming to Ayodhya, the state government plans to make it the
                                           civic systems and tourism       cleanest city in the state. The first step in line with this objective was
                                           management. It will serve       an additional 1,500 Safai Mitras (sanitation workers) on the streets to
                                           as a beacon for similar civic   achieve cleanliness. Next in line is a 100% implementation of zero waste
                                          development in Tier 2 and even   levels by June. That does sound laudable but needs to be monitored.
                                          tier 3 destinations. There has been   On the 23rd January I watched nervously when dedicated crowds
                                         a colossal change in Ayodhya’s    thronged from 3 am on that cold wintry pre-dawn to enter the temple.
                                       infrastructure and facilities recently   Six hours later when it opened, the fancy equipment and systems didn’t
                                      but the development is wide open.    quite seem to be working. Thankfully quick reaction from authorities
                                      The nation and a significant part    streamlined the scene in a few hours. The question is, why wasn’t this
                                of the world is now quite aware of it and a   anticipated?
                           stream of international media and visitors will soon   The sage discussions on benefits of religious tourism often raised
              be making a beeline. This can be a good test case how spiritual   in seminars and interactions with tourism departments need to be
              tourism can be brought centre stage.                         implemented with an urgency that is immediate and nationwide.
                 It can also become a showpiece of how Indian authorities and   The economics of that temple town and the entire district has
              tourism departments can up their act, especially if it’s beyond the   undergone a tectonic shift with a financial windfall for almost every
              pale of the glitzy crowds that sashayed past on their 100 private   small business, hotelier, innkeeper, guide, taxi driver and dhaba owner.
              jets on the 22nd last month in that dusty old town of Uttar Pradesh.   Many mega hotel chains are scurrying to look for properties to create a
              Herein is the significance of the heading of this column. The same   presence.
              common people and the same official set up of the same kind if   There is a need, more than ever, to keenly observe the Municipal
              people can make a difference.                                Corporation of Ayodhya and compare it with Indore rather strictly. Any
                 The municipal corporation of Indore in Madhya Pradesh has   takers for spiritual tourism?
              surprised the country by being adjudged India’s cleanest city for                                        Anurag Yadav
              almost seven years in a row.                                                                              Industry Expert
                 The heading might sound provocative but it’s a call to put an   Anurag Yadav is a travel author and columnist, writing on hospitality and design.
              end to passing the blame of poor sanitation, maintenance and even   An avid traveller, he has published five books and divides his time equally
              street discipline to the people, especially those from the poorer   between Delhi and London.The views expressed in the column are of the author,

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