Page 12 - TBM_February_2024
P. 12

        12                                                 TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     FEBRUARY, 2024
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              Frankfurt Tourism targets leisure,

              family & group travel in India

                     Prasenjit Chakraborty | Mumbai   is to dispel the perception that Frankfurt is   Tourism plans to
                                                      solely a business destination and showcase its   organise a Sales
                  uring a recent visit to Mumbai, Leona   diverse attractions.                 Mission in Mumbai     Leona Flach
              DFlach, Manager of Tourism and Marketing   “Frankfurt boasts an impressive array of   in April, along with
              at Frankfurt Tourism Board, highlighted India’s   distinguished museums dedicated to art,   a seminar in August or September. Key cities
              growing significance as a key market for their   science, and history. The city is charming to   such as Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Ahmedabad,
              initiatives. Flach acknowledged the increasing   explore on foot, as many of these museums   Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Chennai remain
              number of Indian tourists visiting Germany,   and attractions are conveniently located   their target markets. The first two quarters
              specifically Frankfurt, attributing it to the   within a short walking distance from the   of 2023 had witnessed a 120% increase in
              city’s central location in Germany and Europe   downtown core,” Flach added. The New Old   the number of visitors that flocked the city of
              “Because Frankfurt is located in the middle   Town is another attraction of Frankfurt, which   Frankfurt from India.
              of Germany and Europe and there exists a   was reconstructed from 2012 – 2018 as part   Acknowledging visa-related challenges,
              very good flight connections. Hence, reaching   of a major urban development project. “This   Flach expressed optimism, mentioning
              Frankfurt from all across the globe (including   Old Town is nicely reconstructed which was   ongoing communication with the German
              India) is easy. There is a big traffic from India   bombed during the second world war. It’s a   National Tourist Board (GNTB) to address
              to Frankfurt and vice versa,” she said.  historical city,” said Flach.           these issues. She hopes for positive
                 While Frankfurt is traditionally known for   The city is set to host five Euro-Cup 2024   developments in resolving visa concerns
              conferences, Flach expressed a shift in focus   matches in June-July, promising a significant   to enhance the overall travel experience for
              towards attracting tourists in the leisure,   event for the soccer fans around the world. In   Indian visitors to Frankfurt.
              family, and group travel segments. The goal   order to engage with the travel trade, Frankfurt
              Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau

              terms India as a “high-priority” market

              Keen to tap MICE segment & Tier-II & III cities in the coming years

                      Disha Shah Ghosh | Mumbai       air access to Miami International                  and the Miami Beach, he said
                                                      Airport. “We are keen to bring in                  soap operas and sitcoms have
                 he Greater Miami Convention & Visitors   more MICE groups from India,                   done a great job in creating
              TBureau is keen to foray into the Tier-II and   especially incentives movement             awareness about the destination.
              III cities of India next year, after undertaking a   since we have the facilities to       In the past, the city and its beach
              series of sales activities via direct engagement   service and have the necessary          were used as attractive locations
              and B2B roadshows and exhibitions in the key   hotel infrastructure in place.              for film shoots. Going forward,
              gateways in 2024.                       Of course, the larger chunk of                     the plan is to tap that segment
                 Talking to TravelBiz Monitor in Mumbai,   visitors from India is leisure   Joe Docal    even in the Indian market with
              during his second visit to India, Joe Docal,   travellers to the USA.”                     financial incentives.
              Director of Travel Industry Sales – Greater   Shedding light on the popularity of Miami       
              Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau, said,
              “After seeing the potential that India has   Swosti Group launches Swosti Premium Beach
              for the US and Greater Miami Convention &
              Visitors Bureau, I want to enhance our focus in   Resorts, Sipasurubuli, Puri
              the Indian market than what was in the past.”
              Docal is in India to participate in the Brand       TBM Staff | Mumbai           & The Royal Ambassador
              USA Sales Mission in Goa.                                                        Suite) with a no obstruction
                 “I am meeting the travel trade in India for   wosti Group has introduced Swosti   view of the sea.
              sales call presentations. In the absence of   SPremium Beach Resorts, Sipasurubuli,   One of the standout
              direct air connectivity to Miami Airport, I am   positioning it as a top-tier venue for   features of Swosti Premium Beach Resort is its
              currently getting my feet wet in the market,   MICE events and weddings in Puri.   versatility as a wedding and event destination.
              before foraying into Tier-II and III cities in India   The establishment is well-equipped to   The resort boasts four wedding venues (namely
              in 2025,” he said.                      accommodate large conferences and        Boita Voyage at Ground Floor, Mahari Courtyard
                 He spoke about the challenge in      extravagant wedding ceremonies, boasting   at 3rd floor and Panaroma, Portrait at 1st floor)
              quantifying visitor numbers from India, but   expansive landscaped lawns.        with open-air landscaped lawns at different
              termed the country as ranking “high-  priority”   Swosti Premium Beach Resorts extends   heights, ensuring that your special day is set
              market.                                 its guests Luxury Rooms (Sea View Rooms &   against a backdrop of unparalleled natural
                 Docal informed that exploratory talks are   Premium Rooms) and presidential suites (Oasis   beauty. The mega banquet halls, complete with
              underway with carriers in India to seek direct   Suite, Intimate Escape Suite, Imperial Suite   pre-function areas, can host up to 750 people.

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