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        16                                                 TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     FEBRUARY, 2024

              How Amusement Parks Are Turbocharging

              Local Tourism and Economy

               By Arun. K. Chittilappilly, Managing Director, Wonderla Holidays

                     he phrase “amusement parks”      living is also made possible by the type
                     conjures up images of our own    of work, as well as the many training
                     childhood memories in our mind.   programs linked to services. When a well-
              TFor more than a century, amusement     known amusement park is open, demand
              parks have been a mainstay of entertainment,   for local stores, restaurants, lodging, and
              thousands of people visit these parks every   transportation all increases. Suppliers who
              year, which provide a variety of attractions   supply the park with goods and services are
              like water slides and roller coasters. Only   also included in the economic stimulation,
              in the last 20 years, with the advent of   resulting in a network of interconnected
              globalization and an increase in consumer   business connections that may promote
              disposable income, has the idea of theme   sustainable growth.
              parks and amusement parks experienced a    India’s magical theme parks not only
              significant upsurge in popularity in India.  entertain visitors, but also are essential to
                 The ever-changing social and economic   the vibrant role of our changing economy
              landscape, along with demographics, are   and culture. Imagine an environment where
              significant factors influencing demand for   happiness is the primary focus, where there
              amusement parks. They have an impact on   is a bustle of activity, laughter from families,   amusement parks contribute to the local
              consumer behavior, therefore to guarantee        and delight from children. This   economy by spending money on tickets,
                                                                magical atmosphere isn’t only   food, merchandise, and other services.
                                                                the result of thrilling rides and   This injection of tourism dollars can have a
                                                                attractions—rather, it’s engrained   positive multiplier effect on the community.
                                                                 in the various consumer          Improved Infrastructure: The presence
                                                                 behaviours and demographics   of a popular amusement park may stimulate
                                                                 that define our global nation.  improvements in local infrastructure,
                                                                    Amidst this fanciful realm,   including roads, transportation systems, and
                                                                  businesses find themselves at   utilities, to accommodate the increased influx
                                                                  a crossroads where it becomes   of visitors.
                                                                  imperative to properly identify   Diverse Visitor Base: Amusement parks
                                                                   their target audience. The   attract a diverse audience, bringing people
                                                                   objective is to create an   from different regions and even countries.
                                                                   experience that transforms   This cultural exchange can enrich the local
                                                                   a satisfied client into a loyal   community and promote understanding
                                                                    follower and, eventually, an   between different cultures.
                                                                    enthusiastic ambassador       In conclusion, amusement parks are
                                                                    for the business, rather   major drivers of the local economy and
                                                                    than just providing a brief   greatly enhance the well-being of the
                                                                     distraction.              communities they serve. It is impossible
                                                                                               to overstate their contribution to local
                                                                     Here are some of the      economic stimulation, employment creation,
                                                                      key impacts:             and tourism promotion. Despite certain
                                                                      Job Creation:            operational difficulties, amusement parks
                                                                      Amusement parks create   continue to have a very beneficial overall
                                                                      employment opportunities,   economic influence on local and regional
                                                            ranging from entry-level positions to   communities. These attractions’ contribution
                                                      skilled jobs in areas such as maintenance,   to economic growth will probably continue to
                                                      operations, and management. Furthermore,   be an engaging story in the years to come as
              customer pleasure, any business must    Amusement parks also have a knock-on     they develop and grow. They bring in money,
              choose the appropriate group of target   effect on the local economy. An increase in   support neighbourhood companies, create
              customers in order to convert a happy   parks contributes to the neighbourhood’s   jobs, pay taxes, draw tourists, and enhance
              customer into a devoted one and eventually   infrastructure development.         the standard of living. Any nation or area that
              into a product or service. According to a   Learning Experiences: Often incorporate   wishes to increase tourism might benefit
              report by FICCI – KPMG, the amusement park   educational elements into their attractions,   greatly from having amusement parks.
              industry in India is growing rapidly. In 2019,   providing visitors with opportunities to learn
              the industry generated over Rs. 5,000 crore   about science, history, and other subjects in   ‘The views expressed in the column are of the
              (US$625 million) in revenue and employed   an interactive and engaging manner.   author, and may or may not be endorsed by the
              over 250,000 people. A higher standard of   Tourist Spending: Visitors to        publication.’

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