Page 21 - TBM_February_2024
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                                                   TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     FEBRUARY, 2024                                                21

              of the tourists, preserving the cultural and
              environmental heritage of the religious sites,
              and enhancing the quality and diversity
              of tourism services and products. The
              infrastructure needs to gear up to handle the
              influx of tourists.
                 There is a huge untapped potential in the
              religious tourism segment. People are flocking
              in huge numbers to pilgrimage sites as more
              than 60% of tourism in India is associated with
              religious and spiritual tourism. “I believe that
              collaborative efforts between travel agencies,
              religious organizations, cultural bodies, and    Jyoti Mayal, President, TAAI           Rajiv Mehra, President, IATO
              the stakeholders, including the government,
              the private sector, the civil society, and the
              tourists themselves, need to work together to   devotees visited the Ram Mandir. “The surge   2023 to Calendar Year 2021). The focus is
              make it a sustainable, inclusive, and rewarding   in spiritual tourism presents significant   particularly on Ayodhya, in anticipation of the
              experience for all,” pointed out Mayal.  opportunities for local entrepreneurship. With   consecration ceremony of the Ram Mandir.
                 Unfortunately, the majority of religious   its robust infrastructure, proactive leadership,   Ayodhya is notably prominent, witnessing
              and spiritual tourism activities revolve around   and favourable environment, the future   an extraordinary 585 per cent increase in
              the unorganised sector. This means, there are   appears promising for the residents, the state,   searches among the top 10 pilgrimage and
              currently only a limited number of organised   and the country,” said Khanna.    spiritual locations that are currently garnering
              entities providing services for religious   Prior to the inauguration of the Ram   heightened attention.
              tourism in India. Traditionally, the industry has   Temple, various digital travel platforms   This data, extracted from on-platform
              primarily focused on inbound and outbound   experienced a significant surge in searches   engagements, underscores a discernible shift
              sectors, neglecting domestic tourism for   for Ayodhya, leading to the introduction of   in travel preferences, signaling an increasing
              a long period. The realisation of domestic   new offers. Cleartrip and Flipkart Travel, for   inclination towards spiritual journeys. In the
              tourism’s true potential emerged during the   instance, recorded an impressive 1,500%   comparative analysis of popular spiritual
              Covid-19 pandemic, and the segment played   increase in Ayodhya-related searches across   destinations from Calendar Year 2023 to
              a crucial role in sustaining the industry.   their platforms. This surge inspired them to   Calendar Year 2021, the top 10 locations
              Perhaps, the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya has   introduce ‘Darshan Destinations.’       demonstrating substantial growth include
              opened a new vista for the religious tourism   “As a customer-centric company, Cleartrip   Ujjain (359 percent), Badrinath (343 percent),
                                                                                               Amarnath (329 percent), Kedarnath (322
                                                                                               percent), Mathura (223 percent), Dwarkadhish
                                                                                               (193 percent), Shirdi (181 percent), Haridwar
                                                                                               (117 percent), and Bodh Gaya (114 percent).
                                                                                               “On-platform searches for Ayodhya from
                                                                                               within India have witnessed a remarkable
                                                                                               surge of 1806 percent since the official
                                                                                               announcement of the temple’s inauguration,”
                                                                                               said MakeMyTrip in  press release.
                                                                                                  What is interesting is, Ayodhya’s charm
                                                                                               reaches far beyond the confines of the nation,
                                                                                               drawing significant international attention.
                                                                                               MakeMyTrip reported (Search data till 12Jan,
                   PP Khanna, President, ADTOI         Ayyappan Rajagopal, CEO, Cleartrip      2024) that Global searches for Ayodhya are
                                                                                               on the rise, with the United States leading
                                                                                               at 22.5%, closely trailed by the Gulf region
              sector. Of course, there are challenges on   caters to the evolving needs of our user base.   at 22.2%. Canada (9.3%), Nepal (6.6%), and
              different fronts in terms of manning crowd,   We understand that spiritual journeys are   Australia (6.1%) are notable contributors as
              infrastructure etc.                     central to our culture, embodying centuries-  well, showcasing widespread global interest
                 Rajiv Mehra, President, IATO, pointed out,   old traditions. With more people seeking   in gathering information about Ayodhya.
              “Most of the religious and spiritual tourism   out these meaningful travels, we wished to   People in the industry said that the
              activities are centred around the unorganised   make these experiences more accessible   religious fervour is expected to lead to
              sector, barring a few exceptions of organised   and affordable. We are excited to kick off   enduring business prospects, driven by
              travel forces. There are new regulations being   the offering with the upcoming opening of   the ongoing infrastructure development of
              announced and hotel developments are in the   the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. Our offering,   pilgrimage centres. The surge in spiritual
              pipeline. But it will take some time to stabilise   specially tailored for senior citizens who   tourism is remarkable, with numerous
              because a traveller wouldn’t want to stand in   desire to soak in the country’s rich heritage,   pilgrimage centres witnessing substantial foot
              long queues for hours for seeking the diety’s   reflects our commitment to meeting the   falls from pilgrim tourists. Industry insiders
              darshan. Immediate enforcement of measures   diverse needs of our customers,” said   are optimistic that Ayodhya will also emerge
              is crucial to regulate steady movement   Ayyappan Rajagopal, CEO, Cleartrip.     as a major attraction for Non-Resident Indians
              of pilgrims, and in due course, it will be   Similarly, MakeMyTrip, has revealed an   (NRIs) residing abroad, eventually finding its
              smoothly regulated.”                    impressive 97 per cent surge in searches   place in the travel itineraries of international
                 According to PP Khanna, President,   for spiritual destinations over the last   visitors.
              ADTOI, in just six days, nearly 1.3 million   two years (Comparing Calendar Year          

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