Page 25 - TBM_February_2024
P. 25

                                                   TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     FEBRUARY, 2024                                                25

              SOTC Travel has been a leader with a strong   segments, we have launched an extensive   the UDAN scheme, we see strong potential in
              customer loyalty for over seven decades,   range of value, premium to uber luxury   2024! Our strategy will pivot around the twin
              due to a multi-pronged approach that is   Cruise Holidays: from short cruise getaways/  pillars of product development/innovation and
              rooted in strategic innovation. We have   weekenders, river cruises, Polar cruises   technology, while keeping the customer at the
              customised our product-service portfolio basis   (Arctic/Antarctica), round-the-world cruises   heart of what we do.
              our customer’s requirements, focusing on   and more to target segments - across Leisure,   Cruise holidays, the convergence of sports
              regional preferences and unique elements like   Corporate, B-Leisure and MICE.   and travel, and an ongoing penchant for luxury
              regional cuisine and language-speaking tour   While we were the first to launch a   experiences will reinforce our commitment
              managers, while we ensure a personalised   dedicated Darshans/Spiritual Journeys   to providing diverse and personalised travel
              and culturally resonant experience for our   portfolio that covered all the religious   options. Emerging trends, including Astro
              customers.                              circuits of India, we saw an interesting   Tourism and sustainable tourism ensure our
                 Our leisure segment caters to various   shift in customer behaviour – Young India   teams are kept forward looking!
              traveller segments, including multi-    displayed high interest in exploring traditional   For instance, the introduction of our
              generational families, Gen Z, millennials,   pilgrimages but they also wanted to combine   ‘Easy Book Easy Go’ portfolio caters to the
              young professionals, couples, honeymooners,   this with unique local experiences and   spontaneous and fast-paced travel preferences
              DINKS, solo travellers, and seniors.    outdoor adventure like white-water rafting and   of the modern explorer. As we navigate these
                 Strong travel intent and high disposable   night trekking in Vaishno Devi, diving with   dynamic trends, SOTC Travel is poised to
              income, combined with the aspirational   PADI professionals in Rameswaram, bungee   redefine and elevate the travel experience for
              value of holidays emerging from Regional   jumping in Rishikesh, etc. – this inspired us to   our customers in 2024 and beyond.
              India has contributed to a noteworthy 35% of   create a range of holidays that catered to this
              SOTC’s holiday business, thus making these   demand.                             Q   What is your business expansion
              markets key growth drivers for us. The launch   Moreover, our continuous investment   strategy, and what are the major areas
              of SOTC’s website in regional languages is   in technological advancements has kept   of focus for the next two years?
              intended to reach out to this rapidly growing   us at the forefront. The omnichannel   As SOTC Travel enters a new phase of growth,
              market.                                 model, coupled with the AI-enabled chat   we are embarking on an extensive expansion
                 Pioneering escorted group tours and   bot combined with our regional focus    strategy aimed at strengthening our retail
              introducing unique offerings like SOTC   have collectively fortified SOTC Travel as a   footprint. Currently, operating across 44
              Brahman Mandal for Maharashtra and SOTC   prominent and trusted player in the travel   cities with 76 outlets, including both owned
              Gurjar Vishwadarshan for Gujarat exemplify   industry for an illustrious seven decades.  and franchise outlets; also an expansive
              our dedication to catering to distinct regional   To ensure we build a deeper connect   partnership of over 800 preferred agent
              preferences. Initiatives like a one-day   with our consumers, we have deployed AI   partners.
              road shows - Holiday Bazaars, allow us to   to analyse our customer conversations and   In 2023, we successfully launched 12
              engage with diverse communities directly.   enhance our products-services and processes.   franchise outlets in tier 2 and 3 cities such
              This regional focus aligns with our goal of   Another key initiative is our tech enabled   as Ludhiana, Dehradun, Anand, and Meerut,
              accessibility and has proven instrumental   end-to-end CXI program at each stage of the   setting the stage for our ambitious expansion
              in tapping into potential markets with high   consumer journey – giving us deep insights   plans. Over the next two years, our strategic
              disposable income.                      into our customer experience.            focus will emphasise diversifying our product
                 Our strong digital focus has resulted in a                                    offerings, with a particular emphasis on
              drop in the average age of our consumers by   Q  Considering the diverse travel   meeting the preferences of the younger
              10 years. To cater to the unique preferences of   preferences and trends, how does   demographic and strengthening our position
              this younger and more enthusiastic segment   SOTC Travel plan to continue meeting the   in spiritual tourism. At SOTC Travel, we are
              who loves to explore and experience, we offer   evolving needs of its customers in the years   not only expanding geographically but also
              a diverse range- from our Gen Z products   to come?                              evolving with agility to meet the dynamic
              to co-curated holidays across destinations   With the inauguration of the Ram Mandir   needs of India’s diversity of travellers,
              that can be customized as per their specific   creating heightened interest in spiritual   reiterating our reputation as pioneers in the
              interests.                              tourism, coupled with a zeal for exploring   travel industry.
                 Given the high interest for Cruises, across   hidden gems and the opening up of India via

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