Page 23 - TBM_February_2024
P. 23

                                                   TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     FEBRUARY, 2024                                                23

                   Travel through Karma, Jnana,

                   and Bhakti Marg

                     By  Dr. Nimit Chowdhary,  Professor of Tourism
                     Faculty of Management Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

                           s I have always maintained,                                       cleanliness and beauty of the beach for
                           any travel is, to some extent,                                    themselves and others. The traveller might
                           transformative. Travel is an                                      develop a deep appreciation for the beauty
                   Aopportunity to reflect. As                                               and tranquillity of the beach setting. This
                   discussed in a previous article, whether                                  could lead to more mindful conduct,
                   it is the Dvaita or Advaita perspective,                                  creating a sense of connection and
                   the pursuit of truth and the search for a                                 reverence for the natural surroundings.
                   deeper understanding of human existence                                   This practice cultivates a state of devotion
                   are central themes in Indian philosophy.                                  and gratitude on the way to Bhakti Marg.
                   These pursuits are often approached                                          Individuals often have a natural
                   through different paths, known as                                         inclination towards one path over others.
                   “margas” (means). The three primary                                       Still, their experiences and journey
                   paths– Jnana Marg (path of knowledge/                                     context can lead to the integration of
                   wisdom), Karma Marg (path of action),                                     multiple paths. Travel provides a unique
                   and Bhakti Marg (path of devotion) – are                                  opportunity to engage with these
                   integral to the Indian philosophical and                                  paths dynamically, depending on the
                   spiritual framework. These paths provide                                  destinations visited, the interactions
                   different approaches to self-realisation and                              with local communities, and personal
                   a deeper connection with the divine or the   experience manifested in a responsible   reflections along the way. Combining
                   ultimate truth.                      travel. On a more superficial level, it   these paths enriches the travel experience,
                      The Karma Marg is a philosophy    can be a spiritual pilgrimage, where   offering a holistic approach to the pursuit
                   rooted in the Bhagavad Gita, emphasising   individuals embark on journeys to sacred   of truth and deeper understanding.
                   selfless action and the idea of performing   places, temples, and shrines. In a deep   These are just a few examples of how
                   one’s duties without attachment      sense, through these travels, individuals   different schools of Indian philosophy
                   to the outcomes. This philosophy     deepen their sense of devotion and   offer unique perspectives on travel and
                   backs travelling with the intention   connection to the creation of the divine   its potential for personal transformation.
                   of experiencing and contributing     while also experiencing a sense of unity   Each philosophy provides a distinct lens
                   positively to the places and communities   with fellow travellers in this journey called   through which individuals can approach
                   visited. Individuals cultivate a sense of   life.                         their journeys, fostering a deeper
                   selflessness and empathy. This approach   Let us also be clear that these three   connection with the world and a greater
                   to travel encourages a deeper connection   paths are not mutually exclusive. In fact,   understanding of their own inner selves.
                   with the destinations and the people   individuals often employ a combination
                   encountered, leading to personal growth   of these paths based on their personal   ‘The views expressed in the column are of
                   and a broader perspective.           inclinations, life circumstances, and   the author, and may or may not be endorsed by
                      Jnana Marg is the path of knowledge   the specific context of their journeys. A   the publication.’
                   and wisdom. It encourages seekers to   traveller’s journey to a beach destination
                   explore the nature of reality through   can involve a combination of the three
                   contemplation and self-inquiry. Jnana   paths. She might be curious about
                   Marg’s approach suggests that the act   the local ecosystem, marine life, and   Dr Nimit Chowdhary is a Professor at the
                   of journeying and encountering new   environmental sustainability. She could   Department of Tourism and Hospitality
                   environments can serve as a catalyst   join guided tours or workshops focusing   Management at Jamia Millia Islamia. He has
                   for self-reflection and the exploration of   on marine biology, ocean conservation,   more than 29 years of academic experience,
                   more profound truths. Travellers engage   and the impact of tourism on coastal   of which he has been a full professor for 16
                   in introspection while experiencing   ecosystems. By seeking knowledge about   years in India, China, and Mexico. In addition,
                   unfamiliar cultures, landscapes, and ways   the local environment and the importance   he was a visiting faculty at Gotland University
                   of life, leading to insights about the nature   of preserving it, the traveller moves   (Sweden), the University of Girona (Spain),
                   of existence and one’s own place in the   through the Jnana Marg.            IIM Sirmaur, IIQM, and EDII. He is a recipient
                   world.                                  Subsequently, she could participate
                      We mentioned Bhakti Marg in the   in beach clean-up activities organised by   of many academic awards and recognitions.
                   previous issue, also. It is the path of   local organisations or resorts to contribute   He has authored 20 books and more than 200
                   devotion and love for the divine. Bhakti   positively to the local community and   academic papers and chapters. He has travelled
                   Marg encourages travellers to approach   environment. By participating in these   extensively to around 40 countries and almost all
                   their journeys with a heart full of love and   efforts, she embodies Karma Marg,   states within the country.
                   reverence, fostering a profound spiritual   performing selfless actions to maintain the

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