Page 24 - TBM_February_2024
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        24                                                 TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     FEBRUARY, 2024

                                                      In 2024, SOTC Travel                     office system to ensure smooth workflows.
                                                                                                  We also provide dedicated managing and
                                                      envisions transformative                 consulting tools for customers to minimize
                                                      trends in spiritual tourism,             expenses and maximize output during their

                                                      hidden gems exploration,                 travel.
                                                                                                  Our outlook is Glocal - we maintain a
                                                      sports and event tourism,                global approach and act local. We have
                                                      luxury, and sustainable                  partnered with leading travel management
                                                                                               companies and consortiums around the globe
                                                      travel, embodying resilience,            that implement the best practices worldwide

                                                      growth, and a customer-                  to ensure superior/exceptional customer
                                                                                               experience on-ground.
                                                      centric vision as we celebrate              Having successfully surpassed our pre-
                                                      our 75-year milestone,                   pandemic levels, our acquisition pipeline is
                                                      shaping the future of travel,            equally robust.
                                                                                                  From the rise of spiritual tourism post the
                                                      says Vishal Suri, Managing               Ram Mandir inauguration, to the exploration

                                                      Director, SOTC Travel, in                of hidden gems and offbeat destinations,
                                                                                               we are poised to cater to evolving customer
                                                      an interaction with Prasenjit            preferences. SOTC Travel’s success is rooted
                                                      Chakraborty.                             in anticipating industry trends, understanding
                                                                                               the customer’s needs & wants and leveraging
                                                                                               technology – towards an exceptional
              ‘We achieve success by foreseeing                                                customer experience.

                                                                                                   In light of technological
              industry trends, addressing customer                                             Travel leveraged its nichannel approach to
                                                                                                   advancements, how has SOTC
              needs, and leveraging technology’                                                enhance the overall customer experience
                                                                                               over the years?
                                                                                               While we established India’s Outbound
                                                                                               Escorted Group Tours and have excelled in
              Q   How has SOTC Travel evolved over    Gurjar Vishwadarshan  - that offer the comfort   Customised Holidays, we have created an
                                                                                               optimal blend by infusing technology.
                  its 75-year journey, adapting to the
                                                      of co-travellers from the same region along
              changing landscape of the travel and    with regional language speaking, experienced   We have adeptly leveraged our
              tourism industry? What key milestones and   SOTC Tour Managers. We have recently   omnichannel approach to enhance the overall
              achievements does SOTC Travel attribute   introduced exclusive charter products to   customer experience:
              to its successful 75-year legacy in the   Bhutan from South India.                  Our omnichannel model gives customers
              omnichannel travel sector?                 Our omnichannel model, integrating    the flexibility to choose holidays from our
                 SOTC’s 75-year journey is a testament to   cutting-edge digital tools, contact centres   website with over 1500 options, contacting
              our unwavering commitment to the Indian   and a pan-India retail network, reflects   call-centres for that important human touch/
              traveller and showcases our innovation and   our dedication to providing choice and   assistance, or visit nearby SOTC stores for
              evolution in the ever-changing landscape of   convenience.                       in-person consultations with our holiday
              the travel and tourism industry. Established   Via unique concepts like our Holiday   experts. Our innovative QR-enabled Live
              in 1949, SOTC has been a pioneer in Escorted   Bazaars, held across metros and key   Video Connect platform seamlessly connects
              Outbound Group Tours (designed around the   catchments across Tier 2-3 markets, we   customers directly with holiday experts
              unique preferences of the Indian consumer);   emphasize ease in access and the personal   via a video call and chat, without having to
              also Customised Holidays, Domestic Tours,   touch of our Holiday Experts. Embracing   download any added apps or software.
              Incentive Travel and Business Travel – driven   digitisation, our AI-enabled chatbot, apps,   Recognising the diversity of our customer
              by a legacy of innovation. As we navigate the   portal and QR-enabled Live Video Connect,   base, we have expanded our website
              dynamic shift in the global travel landscape   are intended to redefine customer experience.  accessibility by launching versions in four
              in 2024, we anticipate transformative trends   MICE is a key business segment for   regional languages—Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati,
              in spiritual tourism, exploration of hidden   us, and we excel in managing corporate   and Tamil. This initiative enhances our
              gems, sports & event tourism, luxury and   movements – from exclusive CXO meetings/  regional connectivity, providing customers
              sustainable travel. While celebrating our   events to mega incentive groups. Our ‘SOTC   the convenience of accessing content in their
              75-year milestone, SOTC Travel stands as a   Connect,’ our new-age MICE app, reflects our   language of choice. The past year’s stellar
              symbol of resilience, growth, and a customer-  commitment to seamless and tech-driven   performance, marked by a 76% consolidated
              centric approach, shaping the future of travel.  solutions.                      growth in the leisure business and an 88%
                 We have a deep understanding of the     Our Business Travel is one of our key   top-line growth in MICE, underscores our
              Indian traveller, and this is evident in our   segments and offers end-to-end, customisable   commitment to excellence.
              regional approach: the launch of our language   solutions to a range of MNCs, India
              microsites, tailor-made product offerings, and   Corporates and SMEs, Banks, etc. We deploy   Q  Can you share insights into the
              regional marccomm.                      global top-of-the line self-service booking   strategies and innovations that have
                 To appeal to India’s powerful regional   tools, embedded with respective corporate   allowed SOTC Travel to remain a prominent
              source markets, we have designed unique   travel policies, approval matrices and MIS/  player in the travel industry for seven
              tours like SOTC Brahman Mandal and SOTC   reports integrated to our centralized mid   decades?

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