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          6                                                TRAVELBIZ MONITOR     FEBRUARY, 2024
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              VFS Global cements Preferred Employer

              status with high Glassdoor scores

                         TBM Staff | Mumbai           Benefits, Career Opportunities, and Diversity   VFS Global
                                                      & Inclusion. VFS Global has elevated its   has received, a
                 FS Global has secured a rating of 4.01 on a   standing on all of them.        reflection of our
              Vscale of 5 for 2023 on Glassdoor, a leading   VFS Global has set a benchmark in   commitment to       Nirbhik Goel
              platform for employee feedback and company   creating an exemplary work culture that   an inclusive and
              reviews.                                resonates with employee satisfaction and   empowering
                 This significant achievement reflects   empowerment. This recognition not only   workplace culture. Central to our success is
              VFS Global’s unwavering commitment to   celebrates the company’s achievements but   our vibrant workforce, comprising over 131
              excellence in every aspect of its people   also solidifies its reputation as an employer of   nationalities, which not only enriches our
              management and human capital development.   choice in the global marketplace.    work environment but is also a cornerstone of
              With an employee value proposition of      This rating is even more satisfying as this   our global success. This rating is particularly
              developing a ‘fellowship of winners’, VFS   reaffirms the company’s employe- centric   meaningful as it stems directly from our
              Global is deeply committed to best-in-class   policies and its sharp focus on nurturing the   employees, offering a genuine and voluntary
              HR practices and to developing every team   potential of its employees as it has always   endorsement of our practices.’’
              member to her/his full potential. The company   focussed on Learning and Development   With a headcount of 10,976 employees at
              has continuously invested in training and   programmes which is highly appreciated by   the end of 2023, VFS Global’s Glassdoor rating
              development and in building an organisation   its workforce. Over the years, the company has   reflects its commitment to its people. This
              where people come first, and in creating   also won recognition by winning the Golden   achievement highlights the company’s journey
              meaningful work opportunities and building   Peacock National Training Award four times   towards excellence, combining diverse talents
              successful careers, in a diverse and inclusive   since 2017 in recognition for its exemplary   with unified goals. As VFS Global continues to
              workplace.                              learning and development practices. The last   innovate, its focus on nurturing a dynamic and
                 The six parameters on which Glassdoor   it won was in 2023.                   inclusive work environment remains key to its
              assesses companies are based on Excelling   According to Nirbhik Goel, Chief Human   success. It reinforces VFS Global’s position
              in Culture & Values, Work/Life Balance,   Resources Officer, VFS Global, “I am thrilled   as a leader in the industry and a preferred
              Senior Management, Compensation &       to acknowledge the high Glassdoor rating   employer globally.

              ‘SriLankan Airlines’ total revenue sees a                                        Israel Tourism upbeat

              20% contribution from the Indian market’                                         about  OTM participation

                     Prasenjit Chakraborty | Mumbai      To enhance passenger comfort for                 TBM Staff | Mumbai
                                                      travellers from India, SriLankan Airlines
                 he Indian market contributes 20% of   is considering adjusting the arrival times   he Israel Ministry of Tourism is upbeat
              Tthe total revenue for the SriLankan    of select flights to Sri Lanka. “In certain   Tabout its participation in OTM. During the
              Airlines said its Head of Worldwide Sales   Indian locations, the current arrival times   event, Israel Tourism will be accompanied
              & Distribution Dimuthu Tennakoon, while   are either midnight or early morning. Our   by 5 DMCs to engage with industry leaders,
              exclusively speaking to TravelBiz Monitor.   goal is to provide more convenient timings   stakeholders, and delegates from around the
              The airline has recently introduced double   for passengers, and the schedules should be   globe.
              daily flights between Colombo and                tailored to meet the requirements   Amruta Bangera
              Mumbai.                                          and preferences of our passengers,”   - Director of
                 “Mumbai has emerged as the                    emphasized Tennakoon.           Marketing, India, said,
              second destination after Chennai                    SriLankan Airlines has       “Participation in OTM
              in terms of number of passengers                 introduced its SriLankan Direct   is significant for Israel
              and frequencies. Last year, despite              Connect, a New Distribution     for several reasons.
              a few challenges, our Indian                     Capability (NDC) agents booking   It provides us with a   Amruta Bangera
              operation was successful,” he said.   Dimuthu Tennakoon  portal. Speaking about this, he said   platform to showcase
              Tennakoon added, “The Indian                     that they had first launched it in Sri   the diverse and rich
              market has been incredibly important to   Lanka in June last year. “After Sri Lanka, we   cultural experiences, historical sites, and
              SriLankan Airlines since the get-go, and with   launched it in India as it is a very important   natural beauty that our destination has to offer.
              India fast becoming one of the world’s largest   market for us. Around 200 plus agents are   In light of the ongoing challenges, our primary
              outbound travel markets, we are only happy to   using it across 9 stations we operate. The next   goals at OTM are to strengthen existing
              expand our operations in one of India’s most   launch will be in the Middle-East market,” said   partnerships, forge new collaborations,
              celebrated cities and make travel between   Tennakoon.                           and increase awareness about Israel as a
              Mumbai and Colombo extra seamless.”        According to him, Sri Lanka received   tourist destination. We aim to highlight any
                 Talking about passengers, he said they   302,000 tourists from India in 2023. “The figure   new attractions, developments, and unique
              recorded 80% load factor throughout the   is quite impressive when compared with 2022,   experiences that would appeal to Indian
              year. Currently, the airline operates from   and I believe this year we will surpass the 2018   travelers. Additionally, we seek to understand
              9 cities in India. When asked about their   figure (from India) which was 450,000,” said an   the evolving trends and preferences in the
              focus, Tennakoon said that their priority is to   optimistic Tennakoon.          Indian travel market to tailor our strategies
              increase capacity on the existing connections.     accordingly”.

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