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Budget Special
           R.N.I. No. MAHENG/2007/22231    Reg. No. MCS/180/2019-21

            VOL 17 | ISSUE 9 | PAGES 28                                                        FEBRUARY, 2024       PRICE:  40                                                3
           FM drastically cuts down overseas promotion

           budget while increasing outlay for tourism

                       TBM STaff | MuMBai                                                       only to rise somewhat in FY24 to INR 100 crore.
                                                                                                It spent INR 89 crore during 2021-22 from its
             or FY25, the Finance Minister has increased                                        allocated INR 524 crore.
          Fallocation for the tourism sector to INR                                                More than two thirds of the FY25 allocation,
           2,449.62 crore in the Interim Budget, recording                                      has been kept aside for its Swadesh Darshan
           a rise of 44.7 per cent, over the revised figure of                                  scheme. This scheme, set up in 2014-15,
           INR 1,692.10 crore for the current fiscal. However,                                  provides financial assistance to state
           a meagre sum of INR 3 crore has been set aside                                       governments to develop tourism infrastructure.
           for overseas promotion of India for its ‘Incredible   Last year, the Budget slashed overseas   Alongside, the Prashad Darshan scheme has
           India’ campaign, shrinking the allocation by 97%   tourism promotion expenditure by a staggering   been allocated a similar amount as last year, at
           from last year’s INR 100 crore.           amount, having spent just INR 15.89 crore,   INR 240 crore.

           India recovers to pre-Covid level of visitations

           for New York City

                   DiSha Shah GhoSh | MuMBai         the forecast is to close 2024
                                                     with 383,000 visitors.
                ith 336,000 Indians visiting New York   Elaborating further she
           WCity in 2023, the country has reached    said, Indian visitors spent
           pre-Covid levels of arrivals for the key gateway   USD 569 million in NYC
           city in the USA. During the Mumbai leg of their   during 2022, and the
           three-city India Sales Mission, Makiko Matsuda   per-person per trip spend to   Makiko Matsuda
           Healy, Senior Vice President, Tourism Market   NYC is USD 2,200. “During
           Development, NYC Tourism + Conventions    2023, 68% Indians visited for
           spoke to TravelBiz Monitor about the      leisure (including 35% VFR),
           “extremely important source market of India, and   and 32% for business. While
           the long-staying Indian visitors”.        NYC is the number one port of
              Healy said, “India is the fifth largest   entry for Indians via Air India         Surat, direct traffic coming into the US, make it
           economy, and Indian visitors are long staying   and United, Indians have options for one-stop   more relevant for us.”
           guests with an average length of stay of 11 days   flights via Middle East and Europe.”  The NYC Travel Trade Academy, an online
           in NYC, which is an increase. Pre-Covid Indians   She said with Mumbai and Delhi being   training programme, has been re-launched,
           spent less than 10 days in NYC. Currently, India   primary markets, the travel trade in Ahmedabad   and Healy is expecting good traction from the
           is the second largest source market for NYC   is also well versed with knowledge about NYC   Indian market as well. With improvement in
           Tourism + Conventions, and 12th, globally. It   because of a lot of VFR traffic moves to the US   visa processing time and better air access, she
           has recovered to pre-Covid level of recovery with   from Gujarat. “This time, I visited Ahmedabad   is hopeful of consistent growth from the Indian
           336,000 Indian visiting NYC in 2023.” During   for the second time after 2019, and with the   market going forward.
           2022, NYC recorded 258,000 Indian visitors, and   international airport of Ahmedabad and now        

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