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‘Our new 90-year lease policy has attracted reputed hospitality/realty players’

‘Our new 90-year lease policy has attracted reputed hospitality/realty players’

Earlier there were 72 permissions required to set up a hotel or a restaurant in Maharashtra. Now we have brought down this requirement to just 9 which is a big boost to the tourism sector

Caravan tourism has tremendous potential in Maharashtra: Valsa Nair Singh

Caravan tourism has tremendous potential in Maharashtra: Valsa Nair Singh

In order to boost tourism in Maharashtra the state government has introduced Caravan Policy. The policy aims not only to provide a different kind of experience to travellers , but also promote tourism in the

Kerala focusing on caravan tourism in a big way

Kerala focusing on caravan tourism in a big way

After houseboats, Kerala Tourism is betting big on caravan tourism — ‘Keravan Kerala’ — for the post-pandemic revival. Kerala Tourism Minister PA Mohamed Riyas said investors had registered, evincing interest in setting up 120 caravan

Caravan Tourism Chugs Out of Pandemic Halt

Caravan Tourism Chugs Out of Pandemic Halt

  Even as the travel and tourism industry is trying hard to wriggle itself out of the Pandemic rut, Caravans are on rolling wheels to chart new path, writes Prasenjit Chakraborty. While the ongoing pandemic

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Kerala govt to slash motor vehicle tax on tourist caravans by one- fourth

Kerala govt to slash motor vehicle tax on tourist caravans by one- fourth

The Transport Department of kerala has agreed in-principle to slash vehicle tax on tourist caravans to one-fourth, considering the potential of caravan tourism in revving up tourism and employment in Kerala. Transport Minister Antony Raju

Kerala announces comprehensive Caravan Tourism policy

Kerala announces comprehensive Caravan Tourism policy

The Kerala government has announced a caravan tourism policy, promising safe, customised, and close-to-nature travel experience for visitors in tune with the preferences of tourists in the post-pandemic period. Unveiling the policy which offers attractive

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