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R.N.I. No. MAHENG/2007/22231    Reg. No. MCS/180/2019-21

            VOL 18 | ISSUE 5 | PAGES 24                                                                  OCTOBER, 2024       PRICE:  40                                                     1
           Schilthorn Cableway eyes growth in India with

           world’s steepest cableway

                  Prasenjit Chakraborty | Mumbai     that shows clips from different seasons, as we
                                                     experience various seasons here. Additionally, we
              witzerland-based Schilthorn Cableway   have a Walk of Fame where the stars from the film
           SLtd, which operates Schilthorn Piz Gloria,   have left their handprints. Not only that, but we also
           is very optimistic about the Indian market, as   have a viewing lounge at the summit,” he explained.
           India is experiencing a rising middle class and   He pointed out that Schilthorn Cableway is
           an increase in disposable income. “India has   the only company that takes tourists to the very
           become a very important market for us,” said   top of the mountain. “The summit building is
           Alan Ramsay, Head of Markets at Schilthorn   located at the peak itself, which is unusual. Most
           Cableway Ltd, during a recent visit to Mumbai   other cableways take tourists close to the top,
           while speaking with TravelBiz Monitor.    but not actually to the summit,” Ramsay noted.
              Schilthorn Piz Gloria is a stunning mountain   Reflecting on his own experiences, he
           peak in the Bernese Alps of Switzerland,   shared, “I visited the village of Mürren one winter   Alan Ramsay
           renowned for its breathtaking panoramic views   season, and I ended up staying for 35 years.
           and its iconic revolving restaurant. Located in   Every time I take a cable car to the top, the view   car ride will be free of charge with a Swiss
           the Bernese Oberland, it stands approximately   is always different and never looks the same.   Travel Pass,” Ramsay revealed. Their Winter
           2,970 meters (9,740 feet) above sea level. Notably,   Standing on the peak with a 360-degree view is   Sports event had already started on September
           Piz Gloria is famously associated with James   fantastic. I still love it.”          28 and will continue until April 2025. The entire
           Bond due to its role as a filming location for the   He mentioned that they are constructing a   project is expected to be completed by 2026.
           1969 movie “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.”  brand-new cable car that will connect the valley   “Hopefully, we will open it on Swiss National
              Visitors can reach the summit via a series of   floor directly to Mürren, and from Mürren to Birg,   Day, which falls on August 1,” he added.
           cable cars from the valley station in Stechelberg.   and finally to Schilthorn. “With this, there will   Discussing their target audience in India,
           “It takes 32 minutes to reach Schilthorn Piz   be only two changes instead of three. There will   he stated that they are focusing on people who
           Gloria. On the way, tourists must change cable   also be only three sections instead of four, which   have already visited Switzerland, which means
           cars at Gimmelwald, Mürren, Birg, and finally at   will further reduce the time needed to reach   they are aiming for repeat customers. “Our
           Schilthorn. The 32 minutes includes the changes   Schilthorn,” pointed out Ramsay.   priority cities are Mumbai and Delhi to start with.
           from one cable car to another,” said Ramsay.  According to him, the cable car from   However, travellers from Chennai, Hyderabad,
              Ramsay also mentioned that at the top of   Stechelberg (the valley floor) to Mürren will   Kolkata, and Ahmedabad are also showing
           the mountain, there is an interactive multimedia   be the steepest in the world. “It will open on   interest in our product,” said Ramsay.”
           exhibition called Spy World. “We have a cinema   December 14 of this year, and the steepest cable

           Iran Tourism debuts in India amid 39% hike in arrivals

            Prasenjit Chakraborty | Mumbai                                   Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts,   cent increase in Indian tourist
                                                                             and Tourism Ministry.        arrivals,” he revealed.
              he Iran Tourism Board recently                                    Speaking exclusively to      Hosseinabadi mentioned that
           Tmade its first foray in India with                               TravelBiz Monitor on the     currently, pilgrimage and cultural
           its roadshows in Mumbai, Delhi                                    sidelines of the Mumbai      tourism are the primary attractions
           and Hyderabad which attracted a                                   roadshow, Hosseinabadi       for Indian visitors. However, he
           healthy crowd. The main objective                                 highlighted that this was    stressed that Iran offers a wide range
           was to enhance tourism relations                                  their inaugural roadshow in   of tourism experiences, including
           between India and Iran.                                           Mumbai. He noted the deep    nature, adventure, historical, and
              By interacting with Indian travel                              historical connection and mutual   medical tourism etc. “Our goal is to
           agents and tourism professionals,                                 understanding between Iran and   attract all types of travellers from
           the board sought to forge strong                                  India, emphasising that tourism   India,” he said.
           business ties and promote Iran                                    serves as a means to further    He also encouraged Indian
           as a premier travel destination.                                  enhance this relationship.   tourists who have not yet visited
           The delegation was headed by                                         “Iran recently waived     Iran to seek feedback from those
           Aliasghar Shalbafian Hosseinabadi,   Aliasghar Shalbafian Hosseinabadi  visa requirements for Indian   who have.
           the Deputy of Tourism at the Iran                                 travellers, leading to a 39 per                  Contd PG. 7
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