Western Railway (WR) is planning to introduce co-working Digital Lounges at Mumbai railway stations, enabling office-goers to work while waiting for their trains. These air-conditioned office spaces will feature mini cubicles, long tables, chairs, and charging points for laptops and mobiles, modeled after European railway stations.
As part of the Station Improvement Project, elevated decks are being constructed at 17 stations by the Mumbai Rail Vikas Corporation for INR 947 crore. WR plans to utilize these elevated decks to create Digital Lounges and shift food stalls, toilets, and other amenities to decongest platforms.
Stations with high office-goer footfall and proximity to commercial hubs, such as Andheri, Goregaon, Borivali, Bandra Terminus, and Mumbai Central, are being prioritised for the project. The lounges aim to enhance the passenger experience, complementing the existing Executive Lounges.
WR officials are inspired by European models, hoping to replicate a similar work-friendly environment for local commuters. The project represents a step toward modernising Mumbai’s railway infrastructure and improving convenience for daily passengers.