Air India announced a major technology upgrade and design refresh to its website, with the objective of providing its domestic and global customers with an easy-to-use, informative digital channel. The significant experience redesign of the website was planned and executed by Air India’s in-house design and content teams based in Kochi and Gurugram in India and Silicon Valley in the USA. The experience management, digital marketing, analytics and personalization technology upgrades rolled out on the airline’s website are expected to contribute to a significant improvement in customer experience. This will also lead to an increase in the aggregate value and share of direct-channel revenues for the airline, while contributing to the airline’s efforts to provide customers with efficient pre and post-flight support.
Commenting on this, Dr. Satya Ramaswamy, Chief Digital and Technology Officer, Air India, said, “In our mission to digitally delight our customers at every touchpoint, our website plays a central starring role. It is an important medium using which we share our products with customers, help them get inspired by the destinations we serve, book their journeys with ease, and provide outstanding pre-flight and post-flight service. In our quest for the best technological solutions for building our website and the associated suite of digital marketing tools, we have deployed a set of comprehensive and well-integrated set of solutions from the world’s best technology companies that we believe will bring to life the beautiful designs of our in-house designers and provide a pleasing and easy-to-use digital channel for our valued customers.” He also said, “This website upgrade we have launched now is just the first in a series of design, content and feature improvements we have planned for the coming months that will culminate in what we believe will be a clear global leadership position for Air India’s digital direct channels,” he added.
Air India’s Vihaan.AI transformation program envisions a rapid increase in the airline’s customer base driven by improvements in operational efficiencies across the board and a significant fleet expansion made possible by the airline’s historic order of 470 new aircraft. The airline’s website is a key component of serving this burgeoning customer base effectively and thereby increasing its direct-channel revenues.