Congress MP Shashi Tharoor has called on Union Civil Aviation Minister Kinjarapu Ram Mohan Naidu to address the issue of exorbitant airfares charged by airlines. Responding to a tweet by Sam Kuriakose, who highlighted inflated ticket prices, Tharoor expressed concern over the financial burden placed on travellers. His appeal reflects growing public frustration over the lack of regulation in airfare pricing.
Several citizens joined the conversation on social media, accusing airlines of exploiting the situation, particularly during peak travel seasons. Complaints ranged from sudden fare hikes to a lack of transparency in pricing. Despite widespread outrage, no official response or action has been taken by aviation authorities or airline operators as of now.
Tharoor emphasised the need for stricter government oversight and regulatory measures to ensure fair pricing. He argued that air travel, which is often a necessity rather than a luxury, should remain accessible to the average citizen. His statement resonated with travellers across the country, who continue to face high airfares with limited alternatives.
The issue of inflated airfares is not new, but Tharoor’s intervention has reignited the debate on the need for more stringent consumer protection in India’s aviation sector. The growing pressure from both citizens and public figures may push authorities to implement reforms to curb exploitative practices and promote affordable air travel.