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Category: Trade Associations

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SKAL International Bombay (144) sends message of hope with its Christmas celebration

SKAL International Bombay (144) sends message of hope with its Christmas celebration

Every year is fraught with numerous hurdles and challenges thrown in your path and 2021 was no less with it's fair share of trials and tribulations. However, SKAL International Bombay (144) would like to take

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TAAI urges MoT to stabilise and sustain travel and tourism trade

TAAI urges MoT to stabilise and sustain travel and tourism trade

Jyoti Mayal, TAAI President, handed over a Focus 2022 document to Mr. Arvind Singh, Secretary – Tourism. TAAI paid its gratitude and appreciated the ministry’s efforts and support extended to the travel trade during the

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ETAA Eastern India Chapter successfully organised knowledge and networking session in Kolkata  

ETAA Eastern India Chapter successfully organised knowledge and networking session in Kolkata  

The Eastern India chapter of ETAA (Enterprising Travel Agents Association) organised a knowledge and networking session called Travel Reconnect in Kolkata on December 6. Despite inclement weather, a large number of people from the travel

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TAAI urges Centre to consider homestay model of Uttarakhand for all states to boost tourism sector

TAAI urges Centre to consider homestay model of Uttarakhand for all states to boost tourism sector

The Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) has urged the central government to consider the ‘homestay’ model adopted by the Uttarakhand government for other states as well, and said the initiative may help in kick-starting

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IATO Convention kicks off in Gandhinagar with the promise to rebuild country’s post-pandemic inbound tourism

IATO Convention kicks off in Gandhinagar with the promise to rebuild country’s post-pandemic inbound tourism

The 36th edition of the annual IATO Convention kicked off at the Gujarat capital Gandhinagar. The three-day (December 16-18) event was inaugurated by the Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendrabhai Patel at the state’s capital now iconic

Mandatory self-declaration at Air Suvidha portal for incoming international passengers is a good step to further prevent the catastrophe: Jyoti Mayal, President, TAAI

Mandatory self-declaration at Air Suvidha portal for incoming international passengers is a good step to further prevent the catastrophe: Jyoti Mayal, President, TAAI

The Ministry of Civil Aviation and the Ministry of Health and Family welfare have made it mandatory for all international passengers arriving in India to declare their current health status prior to boarding on the