On September 25, the Uttar Pradesh government, led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, launched the ‘Dream Plots’ scheme in Noida as part of its vision to transform the state into ‘Uttam Pradesh.’ This initiative focuses on developing Noida into a vibrant urban hub, with a particular emphasis on expanding the hospitality sector.
The scheme aims to facilitate the establishment of budget and star-category hotels through an e-auction process for prime plots in Sectors 93B, 105, 142, and 135 of Noida. These plots will be allocated specifically for hotel development to boost the city’s hospitality infrastructure.
Six plots ranging in size from 2,000 to 24,000 square meters have reserve prices between INR 44.08 crore and INR 410.70 crore. For budget hotels, two plots of 2,000 square meters in Sector 93B are priced at Rs 44.08 crore, and one plot of 2,090 square meters is available for INR 45.61 crore. Larger plots for star-category hotels are also on offer, including 7,500 square meters in Sector 105 and 24,000 square meters in Sector 135.
The ‘Dream Plots’ scheme will result in the development of three budget and three star-category hotels across Noida’s prime sectors. A pre-bid meeting is set for October 10, with applications open online starting October 17, and a final submission deadline of November 9.