‘We are dedicated to fostering deeper penetration & engagement in India’ - India's Top Travel News Source: TravelBiz Monitor
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‘We are dedicated to fostering deeper penetration & engagement in India’

Travel Designer Group is upbeat about prospects of the Indian market with travel tech platforms bringing about an organised structure to the largely fragmented industry. Jaal Shah, Group Managing Director, Travel Designer Group spoke to Disha Shah Ghosh about their flagship brand Rezlive, growing the Affiliate.Travel platform, and the forecast for the market in India.

Q. Are you looking at adding new products to the RezLive portfolio since it’s your flagship brand?
Jaal: We are committed to the ongoing evolution and expansion of the RezLive portfolio, our esteemed flagship brand. As part of our strategic vision, we are actively engaged in the development of multiple products that will further enrich the offerings available through RezLive.com. While specifics regarding these new products are currently confidential, we assure you that our focus remains steadfast on delivering innovative solutions to meet the diverse needs of our valued travel partners.

What is your strategy to further penetrate into the Indian market since the offline agent base is still very fragmented?
Jaal: We recognise the immense potential of the Indian market and are dedicated to fostering deeper penetration and engagement within it. Our strategy entails a multi-faceted approach that prioritises collaboration with local partners, leveraging advanced technological solutions, and providing tailored support to address the unique needs of the diverse offline agent base. By fostering strong relationships, harnessing the power of data-driven insights, and continually refining our services, we aim to cultivate sustainable growth and meaningful impact within the Indian market landscape.

In terms of pecking order, which are your key source markets? How has the growth from India?
Jaal: At RezLive.com, we value all our source markets and recognise their significance in our global operations. While each market plays a crucial role in our overall strategy, India stands out as one of our key source markets due to its vibrant tourism landscape and growing demand for travel services. The growth trajectory from India has been particularly encouraging, reflecting our commitment to delivering tailored solutions and fostering strong partnerships within the region. As we continue to expand our presence globally, we remain dedicated to nurturing and maximizing opportunities in all our key source markets, including India.

How do you differentiate RezLive & Affiliate.Travel?
Jaal: RezLive.com and Affiliate.Travel are both esteemed platforms within our portfolio, each offering distinct value propositions to our travel partners.

RezLive.com serves as our flagship brand, providing a comprehensive B2B online booking platform tailored to the needs of travel agents and tour operators worldwide. With RezLive.com, travel partners gain access to a vast inventory of hotel, sightseeing, and transfer services, supported by advanced technology and dedicated customer service.

On the other hand, Affiliate.Travel, an innovative product of RezLive.com, is transforming the travel industry landscape by redefining how travel partners and businesses collaborate. Powered by the vision of RezLive.com, a leading global B2B travel wholesaler, Affiliate.Travel has emerged as a game-changer in the domain of affiliate marketing for the travel sector wherein it even provides the opportunity for the affiliate to have a sub-affiliate dedicated portal which they can offer to their B2C clients or corporates. Affiliate.Travel is a B2B2C payment gateway model, wherein an affiliate earns commission on each reservation done by them or their sub-affiliates. For travel agents engaging with corporate clients, Affiliate.travel by RezLive.com stands as a potent resource for broadening their outreach and fostering revenue expansion. This innovative tool empowers corporate entities to utilize their company credit cards, facilitating the earning of commissions for the travel agency involved.

While both platforms share a commitment to excellence and innovation, RezLive.com focuses on serving the needs of travel professionals directly, while Affiliate.Travel enables businesses to leverage our technology to enhance their own offerings and brand presence in the travel industry.

What is your forecast for growing the India business?
Jaal: At RezLive.com, we maintain a positive outlook for growing our business in India, a market with immense potential and dynamic opportunities. Our forecast is grounded in our steadfast commitment to understanding and addressing the evolving needs of Indian travel professionals. By leveraging our extensive network, innovative technology solutions, and personalised support, we aim to further strengthen our presence and deepen our relationships within the Indian travel industry. We remain dedicated to driving sustainable growth, fostering mutually beneficial partnerships, and delivering unparalleled value to our travel partners in India and beyond.

Travel Tech has emerged as a key force for the industry in India. In that regard, what kind of impact do you foresee in the coming decade?
Jaal: As travel technology continues to evolve, we anticipate a transformative impact on the travel industry in India over the coming decade. The emergence of Travel Tech as a key force underscores the importance of innovation and digitalization in enhancing the travel experience for both businesses and consumers. At RezLive.com, we foresee this trend driving significant changes, including greater accessibility to travel services, enhanced personalization, and improved efficiency across the entire travel ecosystem. By embracing emerging technologies, such as AI, blockchain, and IoT, we believe that the industry will unlock new opportunities for growth, collaboration, and sustainability. As a leading player in the travel wholesaling space, we are committed to driving this positive change and empowering our partners with cutting-edge solutions to navigate and thrive in this dynamic landscape.

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